15 User Testing Jobs Sites | The Ultimate Guide to Get Paid to Share Your Opinion

Reading Time: 12 minutes

User testing jobs involve assessing and evaluating the usability and user experience of a product, website, app, or service. Companies conduct user testing to gather valuable feedback and insights from real users to improve their products and make them more user-friendly. User testing jobs play a crucial role in the iterative development process, helping companies create products that better meet the needs and expectations of their users.

User Testing jobs

What is User Testing jobs?

The term “User Testing jobs” can refer to a few different things, depending on the context:

1. User Tester:

This is the most straightforward meaning, referring to someone who participates in user testing studies by trying out websites, apps, prototypes, or other products and providing feedback on their experience. This can be done through various methods, such as:

  • Live video testing: Participate in a video call with a moderator to share your thoughts and reactions while using the product.
  • Unmoderated testing: Completing a recorded test on your own time where you narrate your thoughts and actions while using the product.
  • Written feedback: Provide written feedback on your experience after using the product.

User testers typically work freelance or as part of a user testing platform like UserTesting, Userlytics, or TryMyUI. They receive payment for their time and feedback, which can vary depending on the platform, project, and test length.

2. User Research Specialist:

  • This role involves planning and conducting user research studies, which may include user testing as one of the research methods. User research specialists typically have a background in psychology, human-computer interaction, or a related field. They are responsible for designing studies, recruiting participants, analyzing data, and presenting findings to stakeholders.

3. User Experience (UX) Designer:

  • While not directly involved in user testing, UX designers often rely on user testing results to inform their design decisions. They use insights from user feedback to understand user needs, identify pain points, and create user-centered designs for products and services.

So, depending on the context, “User Testing jobs” could refer to any of these roles:

  • User Tester: The individual participating in the test and providing feedback.
  • User Research Specialist: The person planning and conducting the research study, which may include user testing.
  • UX Designer: The person using user testing results to inform their design decisions.


How do User Testing Sites Work?

Here’s a general overview of how user testing sites work:


1. Sign Up:
  • Testers create an account on a user testing platform and provide basic information about themselves, such as their demographics, devices, and areas of expertise.
2. Screener Questions:
  • When a new test opportunity matches a tester’s profile, they receive an invitation with screener questions to ensure they fit the target audience.
3. Test Qualification:
  • If the tester answers the screener questions successfully, they qualify for the test.
4. Test Instructions:
  • Testers receive specific instructions about the test, including what tasks to perform, what to focus on, and how to provide feedback.
5. Test Completion:
  • Testers complete the test, often involving navigation through a website or app while recording their thoughts and actions out loud.
  • Some tests may also include written surveys or questionnaires.
6. Feedback Submission:
  • Testers submit their recorded feedback or written responses through the platform.
7. Review and Payment:
  • The client (the company conducting the test) reviews the feedback and approves it if it meets quality standards.
  • The tester receives payment for their time and effort, typically via PayPal or direct bank transfer.

Typical Test Formats:

  • Unmoderated Tests: Testers complete tasks independently, recording their thoughts and actions using screen recording software.
  • Moderated Tests: Testers interact with a moderator during a live video call, discussing their experience and answering questions.

Benefits for Companies:

  • Identify usability issues: Discover problems users encounter with their website, app, or product.
  • Gather user insights: Understand user behavior, preferences, and pain points.
  • Validate design decisions: Test new features or designs before launch to ensure they meet user needs.

Benefits for Testers:

  • Earn extra income: Get paid for sharing their opinions and experiences.
  • Influence product development: Help shape the design of websites, apps, and products.
  • Learn new skills: Gain experience in user testing and research methods.


How Much Can You Earn by Testing Websites and Apps?

The amount you can earn by testing websites and apps varies greatly depending on several factors:


  • Different user testing platforms offer different pay rates. Popular platforms like UserTesting typically pay $10 per 20-minute test, while others like Userlytics also offer similar rates. Some specialized platforms like TestingTime can pay up to €50 per hour for in-person or live video testing.

Test Length:

  • Longer tests naturally pay more than shorter ones. While a typical test on UserTesting lasts 20 minutes, some platforms offer shorter (5-minute) tests that pay less ($3 per test on UserBrain) and longer studies that can pay significantly more.

Project Budget:

  • The budget of the company conducting the test can also impact your earnings. Larger companies with bigger budgets often pay more for user feedback.

Your Skills and Experience:

  • Testers with specialized skills or experience in specific industries may command higher pay rates. For example, a tester with expertise in healthcare might receive more for testing a medical app than someone without that background.


  • Some platforms are only available in certain countries, and pay rates may vary depending on your location.

Here’s a rough estimate of potential earnings:

  • Part-time testing: Testing a few times a week on platforms like UserTesting could bring in around $100 per month.
  • Regular testing: Dedicating more time to testing and participating in longer studies could increase your earnings to several hundred dollars per month.
  • Dedicated tester: Experienced testers with specialized skills who actively seek out high-paying projects could potentially earn over $1,000 per month.
  • Please note: These are just estimates, and your actual earnings may be higher or lower.


  • User testing is best considered a side hustle or a way to earn extra income, not a full-time job.
  • The income is variable and depends on the number of tests you qualify for and complete.
  • You need to invest time in building your profile and reputation on user testing platforms.


Can Anyone do This?

Yes, anyone can participate in user testing to some extent! However, there are some factors to consider:

1. Eligibility:

  • Most user testing platforms have age restrictions, typically requiring participants to be 18 or older.
  • Some platforms may also have location restrictions based on the needs of the clients.
  • Certain tests might require specific technical skills or familiarity with particular domains like healthcare or finance.

2. Basic Requirements:

  • You’ll need a reliable internet connection, a working computer or mobile device, and a microphone to record your feedback.
  • Some platforms may require specific browsers or operating systems.
  • It’s helpful to have good communication and observation skills to provide clear and insightful feedback.

3. Availability and Effort:

  • User testing opportunities are not guaranteed, and the frequency depends on factors like your profile, location, and platform activity.
  • Completing tests takes time and effort, so being willing to invest in this is crucial.
  • Building a good reputation on the platform by providing thorough and consistent feedback can increase your chances of getting selected for more tests.

4. Compensation:

  • While user testing can be a good way to earn extra income, consider it a side hustle rather than a primary source of income.
  • Payments vary depending on the platform, project length, and individual effort.
  • Some platforms offer fixed rewards per test, while others have variable pay based on the complexity of the project.

In conclusion, anyone with basic resources and a willingness to participate can explore user testing. While eligibility and earning potential differ, it can be a rewarding experience to contribute to product development and earn some extra cash along the way.

If you want to get started, I recommend checking out popular user testing platforms like UserTesting, Userlytics, and TryMyUI to see their requirements and opportunities.

Remember, the key is to be patient, and consistent, and provide valuable feedback to increase your chances of success in this world of user testing!


15 User Testing Jobs Sites

In-depth Descriptions of User Testing Platforms:

General Platforms:


  • Offers a wide variety of website, app, and prototype testing opportunities. Tests typically last 20 minutes and pay $10 per test. They have a large pool of testers worldwide, making them a good choice for companies looking for diverse feedback. Payment is through PayPal.




  • Similar to UserTesting, Userlytics offers tests for websites, apps, and videos. They also pay $10 per test and have a global reach. However, their focus is more on emotional responses and user behavior, using tools like eye tracking and heatmaps.




  • Specializes in website and app usability testing. Their tests are designed to identify specific usability issues and help companies improve their user interfaces. Testers are paid $10 per test, and the platform is available worldwide.




  • It stands out for offering tests in over 40 languages, making them ideal for companies with international audiences. Tests pay $10 each, and payment is through PayPal.




  • Offers a mix of website, app, and product testing opportunities. They tend to have longer tests (30-60 minutes) that pay $10-$15 per test. However, this platform is only available to testers in the US and Canada.




  • While not strictly a user testing platform, Respondent often has user testing opportunities as part of their broader research studies. Pay varies depending on the project, but they offer multiple payment options such as PayPal and bank transfers.



Here’s a summary of the general user testing sites mentioned above:

SiteDescriptionAvailabilityPayment/Reward OptionsMinimum Payment
UserTestingVariety of website, app, and prototype testsWorldwidePayPal$10 per test
UserlyticsWebsite, app, and video testingWorldwidePayPal$10 per test
TryMyUIWebsite and app usability testingWorldwidePayPal$10 per test
UserfeelTests in over 40 languagesWorldwidePayPal$10 per test
EnrollWebsite, app, and product testingUS and Canada onlyPayPal$10-$15 per test
RespondentVarious research studies, including user testingWorldwidePayPal, bank transferVaries by project


Specialized Platforms:


  • Focuses on in-person and live video testing, allowing companies to observe users interacting with their products in real time. Testers can earn up to €50 per hour, but the platform is currently only available in limited locations worldwide. Payment is through PayPal or Euro.




  • Specializes in software testing, where testers find bugs and complete test cases for various software applications. Pay varies depending on the project and the tester’s skill level. They cater to testers worldwide and offer payment through PayPal and bank transfers.




  • Focuses on short, 5-minute website and app usability tests. These quick tests are ideal for gathering quick feedback on specific features or design elements. Testers are paid $3 per test through PayPal.




  • Conducts market research and user experience studies, including some user testing opportunities. Pay varies depending on the project, but they offer multiple payment options including PayPal and bank transfers.



Here’s a summary of the specialized user testing sites mentioned above:

SiteDescriptionAvailabilityPayment/Reward OptionsMinimum Payment
TestingTimeIn-person & live video testing for websites & appsWorldwide (limited)PayPal, Euro€50 per hour
uTestSoftware testing, finding bugs & completing test casesWorldwidePayPal, bank transferVaries by project
UserBrainShort 5-minute website & app usability testsWorldwidePayPal$3 per test
IntelliZoomMarket research & user experience studiesWorldwidePayPal, bank transferVaries by project


Mobile App Testing:


  • Apple’s official platform for beta testing iOS apps before they are released to the public. Testers receive early access to the app and can provide feedback to the developers. However, there is no guaranteed monetary compensation, and incentives are often non-monetary (e.g., swag, and in-app credits).



Google Play Beta Testing:

  • Similar to TestFlight, Google Play Beta Testing allows users to test Android apps before they are publicly available. Compensation varies depending on the app developer, but it is primarily non-monetary.




  • Offers a variety of freelance testing opportunities, including mobile app testing. Testers are paid on an hourly basis, and the platform is available worldwide. This is the only option among the above that provides guaranteed monetary compensation for mobile app testing.



Here’s a summary of the mobile app user testing sites mentioned above:

SiteDescriptionAvailabilityPayment/Reward OptionsMinimum Payment
TestFlightApple’s official platform for beta testing iOS apps before public release.WorldwideVaries by an app developerN/A (incentives often non-monetary)
Google Play Beta TestingGoogle’s official platform for beta testing Android apps before public release.WorldwideVaries by an app developerN/A (incentives often non-monetary)
AppenA global company offering freelance testing opportunities, including mobile app testing.WorldwidePayPalVaries by project (often hourly pay)


Tips for Success in User Testing Jobs:

General Tips:

  • Build a strong profile: Complete your profile information accurately and highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Consider adding a profile picture to make it more personal.
  • Be reliable and responsive: Make sure you update your availability and respond promptly to test invitations. Building trust with platform moderators is crucial.
  • Pay attention to instructions: Thoroughly read and understand the test instructions before starting. This ensures you provide the most relevant feedback.
  • Think aloud and express your thoughts: Don’t just navigate the product silently. Verbalize your thoughts, feelings, and any questions you have while navigating the website or app.
  • Be specific and detailed: Instead of simply saying “I don’t like this,” explain why you dislike it and offer suggestions for improvement. The more specific your feedback, the more valuable it is.
  • Focus on the user experience: Keep the user in mind during your testing. Think about what would be confusing or frustrating for a typical user and highlight these issues in your feedback.
  • Be professional and objective: Avoid being overly critical or negative. Focus on providing constructive feedback that can help improve the product.
  • Proofread your written feedback: Before submitting your feedback, take some time to proofread it for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Participate in training and webinars: Many platforms offer training materials and webinars to help you improve your user testing skills. Take advantage of these resources to become a better tester.

Platform-Specific Tips:

  • UserTesting: Focus on completing tests efficiently and thoroughly. Aim for a natural speaking voice and avoid unnecessary background noise.
  • Userlytics: Pay attention to your facial expressions and body language, as these are also recorded during the test.
  • TryMyUI: Be clear and concise in your feedback, as you only have a short amount of time to complete each test.
  • TestFlight and Google Play Beta Testing: Provide detailed bug reports and suggestions for improvement. Remember, your feedback helps developers make these apps better for everyone.

Bonus Tips:

  • Network with other testers: Get involved in online communities or forums for user testers. This is a great way to learn from others, find out about new testing opportunities, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in user research.
  • Build a portfolio: Keep track of the projects you’ve worked on and collect positive feedback from clients. This can help you stand out from the crowd and attract more opportunities.
  • Develop your skills: Consider taking online courses or attending workshops to learn new user testing techniques and methodologies.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in user testing jobs and make a valuable contribution to the development of great products. Remember, the key is to be reliable, and responsive, and to provide clear, concise, and constructive feedback.


Final Thoughts

User testing jobs offer a unique blend of flexibility, influence, and income potential. It’s a great option for individuals seeking a side hustle, developing their skills, or making a difference in the digital world. However, it’s important to manage expectations and understand the limitations before diving in.

Ultimately, whether user testing jobs are right for you depends on your individual goals, skills, and preferences.



Q. What exactly are user testing jobs?
A. User testing jobs involve participating in research studies where you try out websites, apps, prototypes, or other products and provide feedback on your experience. This feedback helps companies identify usability issues, understand user needs, and improve their products before they are released to the public.

Q. Who can do user testing jobs?
A. Almost anyone can participate in user testing! Most platforms have age restrictions (typically 18+) and may have location limitations based on project needs. Some specific tests might require technical skills or domain knowledge, but many basic tests are open to anyone with a computer and internet connection.

Q. How much can I earn from user testing?
A. Earnings vary depending on several factors, including the platform, test length, project budget, your skills and experience, and location. Typical pay rates range from $3 per short test to $50 per hour for in-person or live video testing. Consider it a side hustle rather than a primary income source.

Q. What skills do I need for user testing?
A. Good communication and observation skills are crucial for providing clear and insightful feedback. Additionally, being detail-oriented and able to think critically will help you identify usability issues. Familiarity with specific industries or technology can also be advantageous.

Q. Where can I find user testing jobs?
A. Several online platforms connect testers with companies needing user feedback. Popular options include UserTesting, Userlytics, TryMyUI, Userfeel, Respondent, TestingTime, uTest, UserBrain, IntelliZoom. Most platforms have sign-up processes and often involve screening questions to ensure you fit the target audience for specific projects.

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