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eBay Affiliate Program: Get Success In 2023

Reading Time: 22 minutes
 Are you searching for a reliable method to monetize your website or blog? Would you like to generate additional income by endorsing products? If the answer is yes, then you should seriously consider joining the eBay Partner Network (EPN). EPN serves as eBay’s affiliate program, enabling publishers to earn commissions by promoting a wide range of eBay products on their websites or through their social media channels.


This comprehensive article aims to equip you with all the necessary knowledge about the eBay affiliate program and illuminate the various ways in which you can augment your income by endorsing eBay products on your website or blog. By exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the program, as well as implementing effective strategies to maximize your earnings, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding your participation in the eBay affiliate program. To ensure a well-rounded understanding, we have included frequently asked questions (FAQs) and a concise conclusion.

Join the eBay Partner Network today and unlock a world of opportunities to enhance your online revenue. Take advantage of this lucrative affiliate program and embark on a rewarding journey with eBay as your trusted partner.

eBay Affiliate Program: Get Success In 2023

What is the worldwide market share of eBay in terms of affiliate marketing

As of 2023, eBay is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, with over 133 million active buyers in 190 countries. In terms of affiliate marketing, eBay has a significant market share, as it offers a robust affiliate program that allows individuals and businesses to earn commissions by promoting eBay products.

While exact figures on the market share of eBay in affiliate marketing are not publicly available, it is clear that the platform is a major player in this industry. The eBay affiliate program is popular among affiliates due to its wide range of products, high commission rates, and easy-to-use platform.
Overall, eBay’s strong presence in the e-commerce industry and its successful affiliate program make it an attractive option for affiliates looking to earn commissions through affiliate marketing.

What is the eBay Affiliate Program?

eBay Partner Network is an affiliate marketing program that allows publishers to earn commission by promoting eBay’s products on their website or social media channels. The commission is earned when a user clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase within a specified time frame. The program is free to join, and there are no fees or minimum sales requirements.

How does it work?

Here’s how the eBay affiliate program works:
  • Sign up: First, you need to sign up for the eBay affiliate program. The process is straightforward and only takes a few minutes.
  • Promote eBay products: Once you are approved, you can start promoting eBay products on your website or blog. You can choose from a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, home and garden, and more.
  • Earn commission: When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase on eBay, you earn a commission. The commission rate varies depending on the product category, but it can range from 1% to 4%.
  • They pay partners on or around the 10th business day of each month.

How to Join the eBay Affiliate Program?

To join the eBay affiliate program, follow these simple steps:
  • Visit the eBay Partner Network website CLICK HERE and click on the “Sign Up” button in the upper right corner.
  • On the ‘Create an account‘ page, you will find the option to choose between a ‘Personal account‘ or a ‘Business account.’ If your intention is solely to utilize this eBay account for affiliate purposes, selecting the ‘Personal account’ option is recommended. However, if you plan to sell items on eBay in addition to participating in the affiliate program, then you should opt for the ‘Business account.’ It’s worth noting that even if you are signing up for the affiliate program as part of your business, you can still create a ‘personal’ account using a ‘generic’ business email address (e.g., The ‘business account’ designation is solely necessary for accounts involved in direct merchandise sales on eBay.

  • To begin the registration process for ePN, provide the required information in the name fields along with the email address you wish to use for the registration. After completing the necessary fields, locate the ‘Create account’ button at the bottom and click on it. Alternatively, if you prefer to use your email address associated with your Facebook, Google, or Apple account, you can utilize the corresponding button provided for seamless registration.
  • Please ensure that the information provided is accurate and in the English language to facilitate a smooth registration process.
  • Fill out the application form with your personal information and website details.
  • Wait for approval: eBay will review your application and let you know if you have been approved. The approval process usually takes a few days.

  • Once you are approved, you can start promoting eBay products on your website or blog.


How to Start Promoting the eBay Affiliate Product?

To start promoting the ebay affiliate products, follow the following steps:

I. Campaigns

To ensure effective tracking and optimization of your affiliate account, it is crucial to set up campaigns as the first step. Campaigns provide a structured framework for your account and allow you to interpret performance data accurately, enabling you to identify what strategies are yielding positive results. By creating specific and detailed campaigns, you’ll have more options for optimization in the future.

Here are some recommendations on how to leverage campaigns effectively:

a. Utilize Separate Campaign IDs:

Assign distinct Campaign IDs to indicate the specific section of your website where the affiliate link is located. This helps you track the performance of each section separately and gain insights into which parts of your site are generating the most traffic and conversions.

b. Track Retail Events or Promotional Methods:

Consider using Campaign IDs to track specific retail events or promotional methods. For instance, you can create Campaign IDs like “BlackFriday2019” or “EmailCampaigns” to monitor the performance of links associated with these events or methods. This enables you to assess the effectiveness of different promotional strategies and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

By implementing these campaign strategies, you can enhance your ability to track and optimize your affiliate account effectively, leading to improved performance and better decision-making.

II. Links

To ensure the effectiveness of your affiliate links to eBay, it is essential to build them correctly. Fortunately, eBay provides multiple methods for creating these links, allowing you to tailor them to your specific business requirements. One of the most convenient approaches is directly from your account’s homepage, following these simple steps:

By following these steps, you will be able to create properly formatted affiliate links that will facilitate accurate tracking and ensure the success of your promotional efforts.

Once you have set up your campaigns, the form will scroll down, providing you with additional options and a convenient “Copy Link” button. By clicking on this button, you can easily copy your affiliate link, ready to be pasted onto your website, blog, post, or any other suitable platform. It’s important to note that the affiliate link you generate will track every click made by your audience, regardless of whether you direct them to a specific item, daily deals, or promotional event.

By placing your affiliate link on your preferred platform, you can effectively monitor and track the clicks and subsequent actions of your audience. This enables you to gather valuable insights into user behavior, optimize your promotional strategies, and make informed decisions to maximize your affiliate marketing success.

Types of linking tools available on eBay are:

I. Link-Building Tools:

II. Smart Share with Deal Flag:

III. Smart Links:


III. Ads

Once you have created your affiliate links, the next step is to incorporate them into one of your marketing channels to drive traffic back to eBay. You have several options for utilizing these links, such as adding them to the text on your website or blog or placing them within advertisements.

To assist you in effectively integrating your affiliate links into your marketing efforts, we offer two solutions:

I. Smart Links:

With Smart Links, you can automatically affiliate links on your website, making it a seamless process. Additionally, you can build mobile banners to attract and engage your mobile audience, enhancing their experience while driving traffic to eBay. Smart Links simplifies the link placement process, allowing you to focus on delivering valuable content to your audience.

II. Smart Placements:

Smart Placements dynamically customize banners based on your content and your shoppers’ interests. By leveraging this solution, you can tailor your advertising banners to align with the specific interests and preferences of your audience. This personalized approach increases the chances of attracting their attention and driving them to eBay, boosting your conversion rates.

Choose the solution that best suits your needs and goals, whether it’s automatically affiliating links with Smart Links or dynamically customizing banners with Smart Placements. These tools will assist you in effectively promoting eBay and driving traffic to maximize your affiliate marketing success.


How To Track With Report Of Your Performance

Now it’s time to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and links. There are several methods available for reviewing your performance, and here are a few options:

I. Performance By Reports:

Within your account, you can generate performance reports that provide specific insights into partner activity based on various parameters, including campaign, category, checkout site, custom ID, day, month, tool, and top-selling item. These reports allow you to analyze and assess the performance of your campaigns in a targeted manner, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for optimization.

II. Transaction Detail Report:

The Transaction Detail report offers crucial insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and conversion rates. This report provides detailed information about transactions, helping you understand the impact of your promotional efforts and the resulting conversions. You can also create scripts to automatically download this report at regular intervals, ensuring you have up-to-date performance data at your fingertips.

III. Note on Timing:

It’s important to consider the timing aspect of tracking transactions. After a user follows your affiliate link on eBay, they have 24 hours to complete a purchase for you to receive credit. It may take up to 48 hours for these transactions to appear in your reports once the purchase is made. Therefore, if a user waits until the end of the 24-hour cookie cycle before making a purchase, you may not see the transaction in your reports for approximately 72 hours from the time the initial link was followed.

Take advantage of these tracking and reporting options to gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns and links. By analyzing the data, you can optimize your strategies and maximize your affiliate marketing success on eBay.

From Fashion to Electronics: Promoting a Wide Range of Products with eBay Affiliate Program

1. Choose products that are relevant to your audience: Promote products that your audience is interested in. For example, if you have a fashion blog, promote fashion items on eBay.
Choosing products that are relevant to your audience is a crucial aspect of success in the eBay affiliate program. By promoting products that your audience is interested in, you increase the chances of them clicking on your affiliate links and making a purchase.
  • To choose relevant products, you need to have a good understanding of your audience’s interests and needs. If you have a fashion blog, for example, promoting fashion items on eBay is a natural fit. However, you should also consider the specific niche within the fashion industry that your blog covers. Are you focused on sustainable fashion, vintage clothing, or high-end designer brands? By choosing products that match your niche, you can attract a more engaged audience that is more likely to make a purchase.
  • It’s also important to consider the types of products that are popular on eBay. Look for items that are in high demand and that have a high sell-through rate. This will increase the chances of your audience finding something they like and making a purchase through your affiliate link.
  • Finally, consider the seasonality of certain products. For example, if you’re promoting holiday gifts, you’ll want to start your promotions well in advance of the holiday season to give your audience plenty of time to make their purchases. Timing is key, so make sure to keep an eye on seasonal trends and adjust your promotions accordingly.
Overall, choosing products that are relevant to your audience is a key component of success in the eBay affiliate program. By understanding your audience’s interests, focusing on your niche, and promoting high-demand products, you can increase your earnings and build a successful affiliate business.
2. Write high-quality content: Write compelling product reviews and descriptions that will encourage people to click on your affiliate links.
  • Writing high-quality content is essential for success in the eBay affiliate program. When promoting products, it’s important to write compelling product reviews and descriptions that will encourage people to click on your affiliate links.
  • To write high-quality content, start by researching the product you’re promoting. Look for unique features and benefits that set it apart from similar products. This will help you write a compelling review that highlights why the product is worth purchasing.
  • Make sure to write in a conversational style that engages your audience. Use personal pronouns and ask rhetorical questions to make your content feel more human and relatable. Incorporating analogies and metaphors can also help you explain complex features in an easy-to-understand way.
  • When writing product descriptions, focus on the benefits of the product rather than simply listing its features. For example, instead of saying “This camera has a 24-megapixel sensor,” you could say “This camera takes incredibly sharp, high-resolution photos that will make your memories look better than ever.”
  • Finally, make sure to proofread and edit your content before publishing it. Typos and grammatical errors can make your content look unprofessional and may turn off potential customers.
By writing high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and easy to read, you can increase your chances of success in the eBay affiliate program and build a loyal audience that trusts your recommendations.
3. Use eye-catching banners: Use eye-catching banners and ads to promote eBay products on your website or blog.
  • Using eye-catching banners and ads is a great way to promote eBay products on your website or blog. Banners are visual elements that are designed to draw attention to a particular product or promotion. They can be placed in strategic locations on your website, such as in the sidebar or header, to increase visibility and encourage clicks.
  • When using banners and ads, it’s important to choose designs that are eye-catching and visually appealing. Choose colors and images that are in line with your brand and that will grab your audience’s attention. Keep the design simple and uncluttered, with a clear call-to-action that tells your audience what to do next.
  • You can use different types of banners depending on your needs. For example, you could use a static banner that displays a single image, or a carousel banner that displays multiple images that rotate automatically. You can also use text-based ads that display a short description of the product along with a link.
  • It’s important to place banners and ads in strategic locations on your website to maximize their effectiveness. Consider placing them above the fold, where they will be visible without scrolling, or next to related content that your audience is already interested in.
  • Finally, make sure to track the performance of your banners and ads using tools like Google Analytics. This will help you see which designs and placements are most effective, so you can optimize your strategy and increase your earnings.
Overall, using eye-catching banners and ads is a great way to promote eBay products and increase your earnings in the eBay affiliate program. By choosing visually appealing designs and placing them strategically on your website, you can attract more clicks and generate more revenue.
4. Promote seasonal items: Take advantage of seasonal events such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas by promoting relevant products.
  • Promoting seasonal items can be a highly effective way to increase your earnings in the eBay affiliate program. By taking advantage of seasonal events and holidays, you can promote products that are relevant and timely, and that your audience is likely to be interested in.
  • For example, if Valentine’s Day is coming up, you could promote items such as jewelry, flowers, and chocolates. If it’s Halloween, you could promote costumes, decorations, and party supplies. And during the Christmas season, you could promote gifts, decorations, and holiday-themed items.
  • To effectively promote seasonal items, it’s important to plan and start early. Research the top-selling products and trends for the upcoming season, and create content and promotions that are in line with those trends. This could include writing product reviews, creating gift guides, or offering special discounts or promotions.
  • When promoting seasonal items, it’s also important to consider your audience and their interests. Make sure to choose products that are relevant and appealing to your audience, and that fit with your website or blog’s niche.
  • Finally, make sure to track the performance of your seasonal promotions using tools like Google Analytics. This will help you see which promotions are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.
In conclusion, promoting seasonal items can be a great way to increase your earnings in the eBay affiliate program. By planning, choosing relevant products, and creating effective promotions, you can take advantage of seasonal events and holidays to generate more clicks and revenue.
5. Use social media: Promote eBay products on your social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Using social media platforms to promote eBay products can be an effective way to reach a wider audience and increase your earnings in the affiliate program. With millions of people using social media every day, it’s a great opportunity to showcase products and drive traffic to your website or blog.
  • To start promoting eBay products on social media, you should first create profiles on relevant platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Make sure to optimize your profiles with a clear and concise description of your niche, as well as a link to your website or blog.
  • Next, you can start promoting eBay products by sharing links and images of relevant products on your social media profiles. You could write a brief description of the product, highlighting its features and benefits, and including your affiliate link.
  • Another effective way to promote eBay products on social media is to create engaging content that is related to your niche. For example, if you have a fashion blog, you could share outfit ideas and styling tips, and then include links to the eBay products featured in the post.
  • To make the most of social media promotions, it’s important to be consistent and engage with your followers. Respond to comments and messages, and make sure to share a mix of promotional and non-promotional content.
  • Finally, make sure to track the performance of your social media promotions using tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics tools. This will help you see which platforms and promotions are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.
In conclusion, using social media to promote eBay products can be a highly effective way to reach a wider audience and increase your earnings in the affiliate program. By creating engaging content, optimizing your profiles, and tracking your performance, you can leverage the power of social media to generate more clicks and revenue.

Is eBay Affiliate Program the Right Choice? A Comprehensive Look at Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any other affiliate program, the eBay affiliate program has its pros and cons. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages:


1. Wide range of products: eBay offers a wide range of products that you can promote, including electronics, fashion, home and garden, and more.
  • One of the biggest advantages of the eBay affiliate program is the wide range of products available for promotion. With millions of products listed on the platform, there are products available for almost any niche or audience.
  • Whether you have a blog about electronics, fashion, home, and garden, or any other topic, you can find relevant products to promote on eBay. This means that you can tailor your promotions to your audience’s interests and increase the likelihood of conversions.
  • The wide range of products also means that there is a high likelihood of finding niche products that are not available on other affiliate programs. This can be particularly advantageous for bloggers and influencers with a very specific niche audience.
  • To make the most of the wide range of products available on eBay, it’s important to do thorough research to find the products that are most relevant and likely to convert for your audience. You can use the eBay search function to find products by keyword, category, or seller, and filter the results by factors like price, location, and condition.
  • In addition, eBay offers various promotional tools like banners, product feeds, and custom links to help you promote the products more effectively. Make sure to take advantage of these tools and to continuously monitor and adjust your promotions to optimize your earnings.
In conclusion, the wide range of products available on eBay is a major advantage of the eBay affiliate program. By doing thorough research, using promotional tools, and continuously optimizing your promotions, you can leverage the diverse product range to increase your earnings and provide value to your audience.
2. Easy to join: The sign-up process is straightforward, and you can start promoting eBay products within a few minutes.
  • The eBay affiliate program is known for its ease of use and simplicity, making it a great option for both beginners and experienced affiliates alike. The sign-up process is straightforward and can be completed within a few minutes.
  • To join the program, you simply need to go to the eBay Partner Network website and click on the “Join Now” button. From there, you’ll be prompted to create an account by providing basic information like your name, email address, and website URL (if applicable).
  • Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to provide some additional information about your promotional methods and traffic sources. This includes details about your website or blog, social media platforms, and other promotional channels you plan to use.
  • After your application has been reviewed and approved, you’ll gain access to the eBay Partner Network portal where you can browse and select products to promote, create affiliate links and banners, track your performance, and view earnings reports.
Overall, the ease of joining the eBay affiliate program is a major advantage, allowing you to start promoting eBay products quickly and easily. However, it’s important to note that the program does have certain eligibility requirements, such as having a functioning website or blog with original content and complying with eBay’s terms and policies. Make sure to review these requirements carefully before applying to ensure that you meet the criteria.
3. High commission rates: Some product categories offer a commission rate of up to 6%, which is higher than other affiliate programs.
  • One of the major advantages of the eBay affiliate program is the high commission rates that are available for certain product categories. Some categories offer commission rates of up to 6%, which is significantly higher than what is offered by many other affiliate programs.
  • The commission rate varies depending on the product category, and it’s important to note that not all products will offer the highest commission rates. However, eBay does offer a wide range of products that fall under the high-commission category, including electronics, fashion, and home and garden items.
  • By promoting these high-commission products, you can earn a significant amount of money through the eBay affiliate program. Additionally, eBay offers a tiered commission structure, which means that the more products you sell, the higher your commission rate will be.

Commission Structure

Overall, the high commission rates available through the eBay affiliate program make it an attractive option for affiliates who are looking to earn a substantial income through their promotions. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the commission rate is not the only factor to consider when choosing an affiliate program. Other factors like product relevance, quality of content, and promotional strategies should also be taken into account.


1. Cookie duration: The cookie duration for the eBay affiliate program is only 24 hours, which means that you only earn a commission if the customer purchases within 24 hours of clicking your affiliate link.
  • One of the limitations of the eBay affiliate program is the short cookie duration. The cookie duration refers to the amount of time that a tracking cookie, which is used to identify the customer as having come from your affiliate link, remains active. In the case of the eBay affiliate program, the cookie duration is only 24 hours.
  • This means that if a customer clicks on your affiliate link but doesn’t make a purchase within 24 hours, you won’t receive a commission for that sale. This can be a disadvantage for affiliates who are promoting high-ticket items that may require more time for the customer to make a decision.
  • To overcome this limitation, some affiliates use tactics like retargeting and email marketing to remind customers about the products they have viewed or added to their cart, encouraging them to complete their purchase within the 24-hour cookie duration.

Affiliate Marketing: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide In 2023

Overall, while the short cookie duration of the eBay affiliate program can be a limitation, it shouldn’t discourage you from promoting the platform’s products. By using effective marketing strategies and promoting products that are relevant to your audience, you can still earn a significant income through the program.
2. Competitive market: The eBay affiliate program is competitive, and you need to work hard to stand out and earn commissions.
  • The eBay affiliate program is a competitive market, with many affiliates vying for the attention of potential customers. To succeed in this market, you need to work hard to stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • One way to do this is to choose a niche or a specific category of products to promote. By focusing on a specific niche, you can establish yourself as an expert in that area and build a loyal following of customers who trust your recommendations.
  • Another strategy is to create high-quality content that provides value to your audience. This can include product reviews, how-to guides, and other types of content that help customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • It’s also important to keep up with the latest marketing trends and techniques, such as social media advertising and influencer marketing, to stay ahead of the competition.
While the competitive nature of the eBay affiliate program can be challenging, it also means that there is a lot of potential for growth and earning commissions. By putting in the effort and staying committed to your strategy, you can succeed in this market and achieve your affiliate marketing goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Participating in the eBay Affiliate Program

  • Violating eBay’s guidelines and policies: Make sure to familiarize yourself with eBay’s rules and regulations regarding affiliate marketing. Violating these policies could result in your account being suspended or terminated.
  • Choosing products that don’t match your audience’s interests: To maximize your earnings, it’s important to choose products that are relevant to your audience. Don’t promote products that your audience isn’t interested in.
  • Writing low-quality content: Your content should be informative, engaging, and high-quality. Don’t simply copy and paste product descriptions or use generic language. Write unique and compelling content that highlights the benefits of the products.
  • Overusing affiliate links: Don’t spam your audience with too many affiliate links. This can make your content appear spammy and can turn off your audience.
  • Ignoring social media: social media can be a powerful tool for promoting eBay products as an affiliate. Don’t ignore this channel and make sure to use it to your advantage.
  • Not tracking your performance: Tracking your clicks, earnings, and other metrics is crucial for optimizing your promotion strategy. Make sure to use eBay’s real-time reporting tools to track your performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success as an eBay affiliate and maximize your earnings.

Success Story

It is difficult to determine who the most successful affiliate of eBay was in the past, as the platform has millions of affiliates worldwide. However, there have been several notable affiliates who have achieved great success through the eBay affiliate program.
  • One example is Shawn Collins, who is considered to be one of the pioneers of affiliate marketing. Collins was an eBay affiliate in the early 2000s and was able to earn a significant income through his promotion of eBay products. He was able to do this by creating high-quality content and building a loyal following of readers and subscribers.
  • Another successful affiliate of eBay is Pat Flynn, the founder of Smart Passive Income. Flynn has been an eBay affiliate since 2008 and has earned over $150,000 in commissions from the platform. He has achieved this success by creating valuable content for his audience and promoting eBay products that are relevant to their interests.
Overall, there have been many successful affiliates of eBay in the past, and their success can be attributed to their ability to create high-quality content, build a loyal following, and promote relevant eBay products to their audience.

eBay Affiliate Program: Pros and Cons Compared to Other Affiliate Platforms

Pros of eBay affiliate program:


Cons of eBay affiliate program:

  • Short cookie duration of only 24 hours
  • Competitive market with many affiliates promoting eBay products
  • Limited promotional tools compared to other affiliate programs
  • Limited support and resources for affiliates
  • High payout threshold of $10 for new affiliates.


The eBay affiliate program is an excellent way to earn extra income by promoting eBay products on your website or blog. With a wide range of products to choose from and a straightforward sign-up process, it’s an attractive option for bloggers and website owners. By following our tips for promoting eBay products, you can maximize your earnings and make the most of this affiliate program.
However, it’s important to note that the eBay affiliate program is not without its drawbacks. The short cookie duration means that you need to encourage customers to make a purchase quickly, and the competitive market means that you need to work hard to stand out.
Overall, if you’re looking for a way to monetize your website or blog, the eBay affiliate program is worth considering. With a little effort and some strategic promotion, you can earn a commission by promoting products that your audience will love.


Q. What is the commission rate for the eBay affiliate program?
A. The commission rate varies depending on the product category, but it can range from 1% to 6%.
Q. How long does it take to get approved for the eBay affiliate program?
A. The approval process usually takes a few days.
Q. What is the cookie duration for the eBay affiliate program?
A. The cookie duration is 24 hours.
Q. Can I promote eBay products on social media?
A. Yes, you can promote eBay products on your social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Q. Are there any fees to join the eBay affiliate program?
A. No, it’s free to join the eBay affiliate program.
Q. Can I promote eBay products outside of my website or social media?
A. Yes, you can also promote eBay products through email marketing, paid search, and other online marketing channels. However, it’s important to follow eBay’s guidelines and policies when doing so.
Q. Is there a minimum threshold for receiving payments from the eBay affiliate program?
A. Yes, you need to earn at least $10 in commission before you can receive a payment from the eBay affiliate program.
Q. Can I promote eBay products in any country?
A. No, the eBay affiliate program is only available in certain countries. Be sure to check if your country is eligible before applying.
Q. What kind of products can I promote as an eBay affiliate?
A. eBay offers a wide range of products, including electronics, fashion, home and garden, collectibles, and more. You can choose the products that best match your audience’s interests and needs.
Q. Can I track my earnings and clicks in the eBay affiliate program?
A. Yes, eBay provides real-time reporting tools that allow you to track your earnings, clicks, and other metrics. This information can help you optimize your promotion strategy and maximize your earnings.
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