Adsterra Review | Adsterra vs Adsense – Your Guide to Ad Networks of 2023

Reading Time: 14 minutes

Are you a publisher looking to monetize your website traffic and wondering which ad network to choose? Adsterra and Adsense are two of the most popular options available, but which one is right for us? This comprehensive guide will compare Adsterra vs Adsense to help us make an informed decision. We will also provide an in-depth Adsterra Review, exploring its features, benefits, and earning potential.

Let’s explore the Adsterra review and Adsterra Vs Adsense!

Adsterra Review

Adsterra Review

Key Takeaways

Understanding Ad Networks

Ad Networks

Before we dive into comparing Adsterra vs Adsense, let’s first understand what ad networks are and how they work?.

Ad networks act as intermediaries between advertisers and publishers, providing a platform for advertisers to showcase their products or services and publishers to monetize their website traffic. As a publisher, joining an ad network like Adsterra or  AdSense can offer an opportunity to earn revenue without having to invest in creating and selling your own products or services.

Here’s how it works:

  • Publishers: Websites, apps, and other digital platforms with empty ad slots join the network, offering their “inventory” for rent.
  • Advertisers: Businesses eager to promote their products or services sign up, specifying their target audience and budget.
  • The Network: Like a skilled matchmaker, the network analyzes both sides and pairs suitable ads with relevant audiences. This can involve factors like demographics, interests, and browsing behavior.
  • Delivery: Once matched, the network delivers the ads to the publisher’s platform, where viewers see them displayed.
  • Payment: When viewers click or interact with the ad, the advertiser pays the publisher (and often, the network takes a commission).
So, why are ad networks important?
  • For publishers: They provide an easy way to monetize their platforms without the hassle of finding advertisers directly.
  • For advertisers: They offer wider reach, targeting capabilities, and campaign management tools.
  • For the overall ecosystem: They facilitate a smooth flow of advertising dollars, keeping the digital world humming.

Adsterra Review


Adsterra is a leading ad network that provides publishers with an opportunity to monetize their website traffic. They offer a wide range of ad formats that include display ads, popunders, and push notifications. Adsterra has a user-friendly interface, and they provide publishers with an app for easy monitoring and management of their ad campaigns. Here are the details:

Pros and Cons of Adsterra

Adsterra, one of the more interesting players in the ad network field. Reviews for Adsterra can be quite mixed, so let’s unpack both the praises and potential pitfalls to help you form your own opinion:


  • High payout rates: Adsterra is known for offering some of the highest payouts in the industry, especially for certain verticals like adult dating and gambling.
  • Instant account approval: Getting started is quick and easy, with low barriers to entry for publishers.
  • Diverse ad formats: They offer a wide range of ad formats, including pop-ups, push notifications, and native ads, giving publishers flexibility in monetizing their traffic.
  • Detailed reporting: Their dashboard provides in-depth data on campaign performance, allowing for effective optimization.
  • Dedicated account managers: Some users mention supportive account managers who offer guidance and assistance.


  • Quality concerns: Adsterra has been criticized for accepting ads from potentially unsavory sources, like gambling sites and malware-laden products. This can negatively impact user experience and website reputation.
  • Traffic quality: Some reviews express concerns about the quality of traffic generated, with potential issues like bot clicks and fraudulent impressions.
  • Payment delays: While payouts are generally high, some users have reported occasional delays in receiving payments.
  • Limited white-hat offers: If you’re looking for mainstream, family-friendly advertisers, Adsterra might not be the best fit.


CPM rates of Adsterra

Adsterra’s CPM rates can be quite high, especially for certain verticals like adult dating and gambling. However, they can vary greatly depending on several factors:

1. Your traffic source:

  • Geo location: CPM rates are generally higher for Tier 1 countries like the US, Canada, and Western Europe.
  • Device type: Ads on mobile devices often see higher CPMs than desktop.
  • Traffic quality: High-quality, engaged traffic will command higher CPMs than bot traffic or low-quality clicks.

2. Ad format:

  • Pop-ups and push notifications: These can have the highest CPMs, but be mindful of user experience and potential negative impact.
  • Native ads: These tend to blend seamlessly with your content and offer good CPMs without being intrusive.
  • Banners and other display ads: CPMs for these formats are generally lower, but they can be a good fit for certain types of content and audiences.

3. Advertiser competition:

  • Vertical: For popular verticals like gambling and dating, competition among advertisers can drive up CPMs.
  • Targeting: Highly specific targeting parameters can limit the pool of potential advertisers, potentially lowering CPMs.

4. Seasonality and trends:

  • Holidays and major events: Certain times of year can see spikes in advertiser demand, leading to higher CPMs.
  • Industry trends: New trends and popular topics can also attract more advertisers, boosting CPMs in those areas.

Click Here to Adsterra CPM Rate

Click Here to Adsterra Estimator 

Adsterra App

One of the most convenient features of Adsterra is their app, which allows publishers to manage their ad campaigns from anywhere, at any time. The app is easy to use and provides real-time reporting, which allows publishers to monitor their earnings and optimize their campaigns on the go.

Adsterra Affiliate Marketing Program

In addition to offering a range of ad formats and competitive earning potential, Adsterra also has an attractive affiliate marketing program for publishers. By referring new advertisers or publishers to the network through your unique referral link, you can earn a percentage of their revenue.

Program Highlights:

  • Earn 5% of revenue generated by publishers you refer.
  • Easy to join: Sign up and share your unique referral link.
  • Multiple channels for promotion: Post, comment, embed videos, etc.
  • Real-time stats and tracking: Monitor your referrals and earnings.
  • Flexible payouts: Withdraw whenever you reach the minimum.

Potential Benefits:

Adsterra Direct Link

An Adsterra direct link is a unique URL that you can use to monetize your traffic without the need for a website. You can place the direct link on social media, in emails, or in any other online location where you can drive traffic. When a user clicks on the direct link, they will be redirected to a landing page with a variety of ads. You will earn money based on the number of clicks and conversions that your direct link generates.


  • Super easy to use: Just link and go, no coding needed.
  • High earning potential: Especially in certain niches like dating & gambling.
  • Direct monetization: Bypass platform barriers (like Facebook ad restrictions).


  • No visual format: Just a link, can be less engaging than banner ads.
  • Quality concerns: Potential for intrusive or risqué ads (depends on your settings).
  • Traffic quality: Bot clicks and fraudulent impressions possible.

Best for:

  • Publishers comfortable with potentially risqué content.
  • Social media monetization.
  • Quick and easy website monetization.



Adsterra can be a lucrative option for publishers in certain niches, especially those comfortable with potentially risqué content. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential downsides, including lower quality traffic and reputational risks. Do your research, thoroughly vet the ads you display, and monitor your traffic closely to ensure a positive experience for both you and your users.

Google Adsense Review

Google Adsense

Adsense is a widely recognized advertising platform developed by Google. It is one of the largest and most commonly used ad networks on the internet. Adsense provides publishers with a variety of ad formats, such as display ads, text ads, and video ads. The platform also boasts an extensive ad inventory with robust targeting options, allowing publishers to serve ads to their target audience effectively.

Let’s dive into a comprehensive review, exploring both its strengths and weaknesses to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your website or blog.

Pros and Cons of Google Adsense


  • Easy to set up and use: Even complete beginners can navigate the straightforward interface and integrate Adsense code onto their website with minimal technical knowledge.
  • Vast advertiser pool: Google’s reach is immense, meaning you’ll have access to a massive pool of relevant advertisers, increasing your chances of displaying ads that resonate with your audience.
  • High-quality ads: Google’s rigorous screening process ensures you won’t see intrusive or malware-laden ads, maintaining a positive user experience for your visitors.
  • Automatic ad optimization: Adsense utilizes Google’s AI technology to automatically display the most relevant and high-performing ads to your users, maximizing your potential revenue.
  • Detailed reporting and analytics: Gain valuable insights into your ad performance, including impressions, clicks, and revenue, allowing you to optimize your ad placements and content for better results.
  • Global reach: Monetize your traffic from anywhere in the world, thanks to Google’s widespread reach and multi-currency support.
  • Reputable and trustworthy: Google’s brand name carries weight, adding a layer of trust and reliability to your monetization strategy.


  • Lower CPM rates: Compared to some niche ad networks, Adsense can offer lower CPM (cost per mille) rates, especially for certain content types.
  • Strict policies: Google’s policies can be quite strict, with potential account suspension for violations, which can be frustrating for some users.
  • Minimum payout threshold: Reaching the $100 payout threshold before receiving payment can be slow for newcomers with low traffic.
  • Limited ad customization: Although you can choose ad formats and block specific categories, customization options are limited compared to some platforms.
  • Less control over ad selection: Adsense’s AI handles ad selection, which can sometimes lead to irrelevant ads appearing on your website.
  • Limited customer support: Basic support is available, but reaching live representatives can be difficult, which can be a drawback for users needing personalized assistance.


CPM Rate of Google Adsense

The CPM rate of Google Adsense can vary significantly depending on several factors, making it difficult to give a definitive answer. Here’s a breakdown of what influences CPM rates:

Factors affecting CPM rates:

  • Your website content and niche: Certain niches, like finance, technology, and health, generally have higher CPM rates due to higher competition among advertisers.
  • Traffic source: CPM rates tend to be higher for Tier 1 countries like the US, Canada, and Western Europe. Mobile traffic usually commands higher CPMs than desktop traffic.
  • Ad format: Display ads like banners and sidebar ads typically have lower CPMs than native ads or pop-ups.
  • User engagement: Websites with high user engagement and longer session times tend to see higher CPMs.
  • Ad quality: Google’s strict policies ensure high-quality ads, but the specific ads displayed on your website also influence CPMs. Ads from popular brands or relevant to your content often pay higher rates.
  • Seasonality and trends: Holidays and major events can see spikes in advertiser demand, leading to higher CPMs. Trends and popular topics within your niche can also attract more advertisers, boosting CPMs.

Average CPM rates:

While specific figures will vary, some general estimates:

  • Global average: $0.50 – $2.00
  • Tier 1 countries: $1.00 – $3.00
  • Finance, technology, health niches: $2.00 – $5.00


Google Adsense is a reliable and user-friendly option for website owners and bloggers looking for a straightforward way to monetize their content. It offers a vast advertiser pool, high-quality ads, and valuable analytics, making it a solid choice for beginners and established publishers alike. However, it’s important to be aware of the potentially lower CPM rates, stricter policies, and limited control over ad selection.

If you prioritize ease of use, brand reputation, and global reach, Adsense is definitely worth considering. But if you need high CPM rates, extensive customization options, or close customer support, you might want to explore alternative ad networks catering to your specific niche and traffic demographics.

Adsterra vs Adsense: Earning Potential

Earning Potential

Deciding between Adsterra and Adsense for earning potential depends on several factors specific to your website and traffic. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed choice:


  • Potentially higher CPMs: Particularly for certain niches like adult dating and gambling, Adsterra can offer significantly higher CPMs than Adsense.
  • Wider range of ad formats: They offer pop-ups, push notifications, and native ads alongside traditional display formats, which can bring greater flexibility and potentially higher revenue.
  • Lower barriers to entry: Getting started with Adsterra is easier, with quicker approval processes and fewer restrictions on content types.
  • Lower quality traffic: Concerns exist about the quality of traffic generated, with potential issues like bot clicks and fraudulent impressions.
  • User experience concerns: Certain ad formats like pop-ups can be intrusive and negatively impact user experience.
  • Reputational risks: Accepting ads from potentially unsavory sources can harm your website’s reputation.


  • Higher quality ads: Google’s strict policies ensure you won’t display intrusive or malware-laden ads, maintaining a positive user experience.
  • Global reach and diverse advertisers: Access Google’s vast advertiser pool, potentially leading to better revenue diversification and consistent performance.
  • Brand reputation and trust: Google’s brand name adds a layer of reliability and trustworthiness to your monetization strategy.
  • Generally lower CPMs: Compared to Adsterra in specific niches, Adsense often offers lower CPMs for most content types.
  • Stricter policies: Violating Google’s policies can lead to account suspension, adding risks and restrictions.
  • Limited control over ad selection: Adsense chooses ads automatically, potentially displaying irrelevant ones, and customization options are limited.
Choosing the right platform:
  • For high-risk, high-reward potential: If your website operates in a niche like adult dating or gambling and can tolerate potentially lower quality traffic, Adsterra might offer higher earning potential.
  • For broader traffic and brand safety: If your website prioritizes user experience, brand reputation, and diverse traffic sources, Adsense might be a safer and more stable choice.
  • For testing and optimization: Consider running test campaigns with both platforms to compare real-world performance and see which generates better results for your specific audience and content.

Adsterra vs Adsense: Ad Formats

Ad Formats

When it comes to ad formats, both Adsterra and Adsense offer a variety of options for publishers. Details are:-


  • Wider variety of ad formats: Includes pop-ups, push notifications, native ads, and more
  • Higher earning potential for certain niches: Particularly for adult dating and gambling
  • Lower barriers to entry: Easier to get started with


  • Focuses on traditional display ads: Primarily banners and sidebar ads
  • High-quality ads: Google’s strict policies ensure no intrusive or malware-laden ads
  • Global reach and diverse advertisers: Offers wider audience reach and ad variety
In short:
  • Choose Adsterra for more ad format options and potentially higher earnings in specific niches.
  • Choose Adsense for safer, high-quality ads and broader reach.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your website’s content, audience, and monetization goals.

Adsterra vs Adsense: Minimum Payout

Minimum Payout

One important factor to consider when choosing an ad network is the minimum payout requirement. Adsterra has a minimum payout of $100 for most payment methods. On the other hand, Adsense has a minimum payout of $100 for wire transfers and $10 for other payment methods.

It’s crucial to consider your earnings and preferred payment method when deciding which network is more suitable for you. If you’re just starting, Adsense’s lower minimum payout for non-wire transfer methods might be a better fit. However, if you have high traffic and expect to earn more than $100, Adsterra’s single minimum payout threshold may be more convenient.

Keep in mind that some payment methods may include additional fees or longer processing times, so it’s essential to check the details before choosing the payment method for your earnings.

Adsterra vs Adsense: Joining Steps in a Flash


Adsterra Sign-up

  • Sign up: Head to and click “Sign Up as a Publisher.”
  • Fill the form: Enter your details, desired payment method, and website URLs.
  • Verification: Wait for website verification (usually under 10 minutes).
  • Add ad codes: Choose ad formats and place the provided code on your website.
  • Start earning: Track your progress and enjoy the payouts!


Google AdSense

  • Create a Google account: Head to if you don’t have one.
  • Visit Adsense: Navigate to
  • Get approved: Sign up and submit your website for review. Approval can take days or weeks.
  • Place ad codes: Choose ad formats and insert the provided code into your website.
  • Reach the threshold: Earn $100 before receiving your first payment.
Key Differences:
  • Approval time: Adsterra is much faster, Adsense can take longer.
  • Website requirements: Adsense has stricter content and traffic guidelines.
  • Minimum payout: Adsterra is $5, Adsense is $100.
  • Focus: Adsterra offers more ad formats, Adsense prioritizes user experience.

Choose the platform that best aligns with your website and goals!

Alternatives to Adsterra and Adsense

Here are some alternatives to Adsterra and AdSense:


  • is a contextual advertising network that is powered by Yahoo! and Bing.
  • It offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads.
  • has a high approval rate and offers competitive payouts, making it a good option for publishers of all sizes.


  • PropellerAds (now Monetag) is a global advertising network that offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, pop-up ads, push notifications, and native ads.
  • PropellerAds has a low approval rate, but it offers high payouts to publishers with high-quality traffic.


  • Ezoic is an ad optimization platform that uses artificial intelligence to help publishers maximize their ad revenue.
  • Ezoic works with a variety of ad networks, including AdSense and, to find the best ads for your website.
  • Ezoic has a low approval rate, but it offers a variety of features to help publishers improve their website performance and ad revenue, such as a heatmap tool, page speed optimization, and A/B testing.


  • Monumetric is a premium ad network that is designed for publishers with high-quality traffic.
  • Monumetric offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads.
  • Monumetric has a high approval rate and offers competitive payouts to publishers with high-quality traffic.


  • Raptive (CafeMedia and AdThrive are now Raptive)  is a premium ad network that is designed for lifestyle bloggers and influencers.
  • Raptive offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads.
  • Raptive has a high approval rate and offers competitive payouts to publishers with high-quality traffic.
When choosing an ad network, it is important to consider the following factors:
  • Approval rate:  Ad networks have different approval rates, so it is important to choose a network that has a high approval rate for your type of website.
  • Payout: Ad networks offer different payout rates, so it is important to choose a network that offers competitive payouts.
  • Ad formats: Ad networks offer different ad formats, so it is important to choose a network that offers the ad formats that are most relevant to your website content and audience.
  • Features: Ad networks offer different features, such as reporting tools, ad optimization tools, and customer support. It is important to choose a network that offers the features that are most important to you.

It is also important to note that some ad networks may have different requirements for publishers, such as minimum traffic requirements or specific content restrictions. It is important to read the terms of service of each ad network before applying.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right ad network for your website isn’t always straightforward. While Adsterra entices with diverse ad formats and an easy-to-use interface, Adsense boasts a vast pool of advertisers and powerful targeting tools.

The winner? It depends. Think about your website’s theme, visitor base, and ideal audience before making your pick. Constant analysis and fine-tuning of your campaigns will boost your earnings further. Both networks have their upsides and downsides, so evaluate them closely before diving in. And whichever you choose, keep a watchful eye on your revenue and keep refining your strategy for optimal success!



Q: What is the difference between Adsterra and Adsense?
A: Adsterra and Adsense are both ad networks, but they have different features and benefits. Adsterra offers a wide range of ad formats, while Adsense is known for its extensive ad inventory and robust targeting options.

Q: How do ad networks work?
A: Ad networks serve as intermediaries between advertisers and publishers, facilitating the placement of ads on websites. Publishers can join ad networks like Adsterra to monetize their website traffic.

Q: What ad formats does Adsterra offer?
A: Adsterra provides a variety of ad formats, including display ads, popunders, and push notifications.

Q: What ad formats does Adsense offer?
A: Adsense offers display ads, text ads, and video ads.

Q: How much can I earn with Adsterra?
A: Earnings with Adsterra can vary depending on factors such as traffic quality, ad format, and ad placement. Some publishers have reported high earnings, especially with Adsterra’s 1000 impressions model.

Q: Are there alternatives to Adsterra and Adsense?
A: Yes, there are other ad networks available with different ad formats to suit your specific needs.

Q: What is the minimum payout for Adsterra?
A: Adsterra has a minimum payout of $100 for most payment methods.

Q: What is the minimum payout for Adsense?
A: Adsense has a minimum payout of $100 for wire transfers and $10 for other payment methods.

Q: Does Adsterra have an affiliate marketing program?
A: Yes, Adsterra offers an affiliate marketing program that allows publishers to earn additional income by referring new advertisers or publishers to the network.

Q: What are the pros and cons of using Adsterra?
A: The pros of using Adsterra include a wide range of ad formats and a user-friendly interface. However, some publishers have reported issues with ad quality and customer support.

Q: Which ad network should I choose?
A: It ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as your website’s niche, traffic quality, and target audience when choosing the right ad network for you.

Q: Do I need to optimize my ad campaigns regularly?
A: Yes, it’s important to regularly analyze and optimize your ad campaigns to maximize your earnings.

Learn Ways to Earn Money Online:
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2 thoughts on “Adsterra Review | Adsterra vs Adsense – Your Guide to Ad Networks of 2023”

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