How To Get Content Marketing Work | Guide To Beginner’s In 2024

Reading Time: 17 minutes

How To Get Content Marketing Work : Guide To Beginner's In 2023

Content marketing work plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers. By creating and sharing informative, entertaining, and valuable content, businesses can establish credibility, gain trust, and nurture long-term relationships with their audience. Moreover, effective content marketing can drive organic traffic to websites, improve search engine rankings, and generate leads.

In today’s digital landscape, content marketing has become a crucial strategy for businesses to reach and engage their target audience. By providing valuable and relevant content, companies can establish themselves as industry leaders, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. To effectively implement content marketing, it is essential to utilize various channels and techniques.

In the previous article, we discussed 06 ways of doing content marketing. In the article will explore how email marketing, webinars and online events, content curation, and user-generated content can contribute to the success of your content marketing efforts.


How To Get Content Marketing Work

Content Marketing Work
Content Marketing Work


Content marketing is a powerful approach to engaging and attracting an audience by creating valuable and relevant content. One effective strategy to employ is email marketing, where targeted emails are sent to subscribers, showcasing compelling content and building relationships. Webinars and online events are other strategies of content marketing, providing interactive platforms to educate, entertain, and connect with the audience in real-time.

Content curation is by far the best way of content marketing, which involves gathering and sharing valuable content from various sources, and positioning your brand as a trusted resource. It saves time while delivering high-quality content to your audience. Lastly in content marketing, user-generated content allows your audience to actively participate by creating and sharing content related to your brand, fostering a sense of community and authenticity.

By incorporating these strategies of content marketing, businesses can build a strong content marketing foundation, ensuring consistent engagement, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. So let’s explore all these four strategies of content marketing.


7. Content Marketing By Email Marketing

Content Marketing Work

Content marketing by Email Marketing involves sending targeted and personalized emails to deliver relevant content, nurture leads, and build relationships with subscribers. Here’s an elaboration on this content marketing strategy, including examples, facts, suggestions, and strategies:

A. Importance of Email Marketing in Content Marketing

i. Direct and Personalized Communication:
  • Email marketing allows businesses to directly reach their audience’s inbox, delivering personalized content tailored to their interests, preferences, and stage in the buyer’s journey.
ii. Relationship Building:
  • By consistently delivering valuable content, businesses can establish and nurture relationships with subscribers, fostering trust and loyalty over time.
iii. Drive Engagement and Conversions:
  • Well-crafted emails with compelling content can engage subscribers, drive website traffic, generate leads, and ultimately lead to conversions and sales.

B. Examples and Facts

Example 1:
  • A clothing retailer can send personalized emails featuring product recommendations based on subscribers’ past purchases or browsing history. This helps to deliver relevant content and increase the likelihood of conversions.
Example 2:
  • A software company can send a series of educational emails to new leads, providing them with valuable tips, tutorials, and resources related to their product or industry. This helps to nurture leads, build credibility, and move them closer to making a purchase.

C. Suggestions and Best Practices

1. Build a Quality Email List:
  • Focus on growing a high-quality email list with subscribers who have expressed genuine interest in your content or offerings. Use opt-in forms, lead magnets, and incentives to encourage sign-ups.
2. Segment and Personalize:
  • Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, interests, or behaviors. Personalize your emails by addressing subscribers by name and tailoring the content to their specific needs and preferences.
3. Create Compelling Subject Lines:
  • Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that entice subscribers to open your emails. Use personalization, urgency, or curiosity to make them compelling and increase open rates.
4. Deliver Valuable Content:
  • Provide relevant and valuable content in your emails. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, case studies, industry insights, exclusive offers, or event invitations. Ensure that the content aligns with your subscribers’ interests and provides actionable insights.
5. Optimize for Mobile:
  • Given the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly and display properly on different screen sizes. Use responsive designs and test your emails on various devices to provide a seamless user experience.
6. Include Clear Call-to-Actions:
  • One of the most aspects of content marketing is, Clearly state the desired action you want subscribers to take, whether it’s clicking on a link, downloading a resource, making a purchase, or signing up for an event. Use compelling and concise call-to-action buttons to encourage engagement.
7. Test and Measure:
  • Continuously test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content formats, visuals, and calls-to-action. Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing email campaigns.

D. Strategy and Implementation

i. Define Goals and Objectives:
  • Determine the goals of your email marketing campaign, such as lead generation, nurturing existing customers, driving sales, or promoting new content. Align your content and email strategy accordingly.
ii. Plan a Content Calendar:
  • Develop a content calendar that outlines the topics, formats, and schedule of your email campaigns. This ensures consistent delivery of valuable content to your subscribers.
iii. Utilize Marketing Automation:
  • Consider using email marketing automation tools to streamline and personalize your email campaigns. Set up automated workflows triggered by specific actions or events to deliver targeted content at the right time.
iv. Test and Optimize:
  • Continuously test different aspects of your email campaigns, including subject lines, content formats, visuals, CTAs, and sending times. Analyze the results and gather insights to optimize your email marketing strategy. Make data-driven decisions based on open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics.
v. A/B Testing:
  • Conduct A/B tests by creating variations of your emails and testing them on a smaller segment of your audience. Compare the performance of different subject lines, email designs, or content formats to determine what resonates best with your subscribers.
vi. Personalization and Dynamic Content:
  • Leverage personalization techniques to create a more tailored experience for your subscribers. Use merge tags to insert subscribers’ names or other relevant information into the email content. Additionally, consider using dynamic content to display different content blocks based on subscriber preferences or behaviors.
vii. Nurture Leads with Drip Campaigns:
  • Implement drip campaigns or email sequences to nurture leads over time. Create a series of emails that provide valuable content and guide subscribers through the buyer’s journey, gradually moving them towards making a purchase or taking the desired action.
viii. Optimize Email Design and Formatting:
  • Pay attention to the design and formatting of your emails. Use a clean and visually appealing layout that reflects your brand identity. Ensure that the email is scannable with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to facilitate easy reading.
ix. Provide Clear Unsubscribe Options:
  • Include a visible and easy-to-use unsubscribe link in your emails to comply with email marketing regulations and respect subscribers’ preferences. Make it hassle-free for recipients to opt-out if they no longer wish to receive your emails.
x. Analyze and Iterate:
  • Regularly analyze the performance of your email campaigns. Track key metrics and use the insights to refine your content, subject lines, targeting, and overall email marketing strategy. Continuously experiment, learn from the data, and make adjustments to improve results.

In conclusion, incorporating email marketing into your content marketing strategy is a powerful way to deliver targeted and personalized content, nurture leads, and build relationships with your subscribers. By following the suggested strategies and best practices, businesses can effectively engage their audience, drive conversions, and achieve their marketing goals. One of the best platforms for content marketing by email marketing is MailChimp.


8. Content Marketing Using Webinars and Online Events

Content Marketing Work

Webinars and online events are valuable form of content marketing that involves hosting live or recorded sessions to educate and engage the audience on specific topics or products.

Here’s a breakdown of the strategy, suggestions, and examples related to webinars and online events in content marketing:

1. Determine Your Topic and Format:

Identify a relevant and valuable topic that aligns with your target audience’s interests or pain points. Choose a format for your webinar or online event, such as a presentation, panel discussion, workshop, or Q&A session.

  • If you’re in the digital marketing industry, you could host a webinar on “Effective Strategies for Social Media Advertising” or a panel discussion on “Navigating SEO Best Practices in 2023.
2. Plan and Prepare:

Create a detailed outline or script for your webinar or online event. Organize the content into logical sections, ensuring a smooth flow of information. Prepare visual aids, slides, or any necessary materials to support your presentation.

  • Divide your webinar into sections like an introduction, main content, case studies or examples, and a conclusion. Prepare visually appealing slides with key points, graphics, and data to enhance audience understanding and engagement.
3. Promote Your Webinar:

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your webinar or online event. Leverage various channels such as your website, blog, email newsletters, social media platforms, and industry communities to generate interest and registrations.

  • Create a landing page on your website dedicated to the webinar, outlining the benefits and value participants will gain. Share teaser posts on social media platforms and use paid advertising to target relevant audiences who would be interested in the topic.
4. Engage Your Audience:

During the webinar or online event, actively engage with your audience to make the session interactive and valuable. Encourage participants to ask questions, provide feedback, and participate in polls or discussions.

  • Incorporate live chat or Q&A sessions where participants can ask questions or share their thoughts. Consider conducting polls or surveys to gather audience opinions or preferences on specific topics.
5. Provide Valuable Content:

Focus on delivering high-quality and actionable content during your webinar or online event. Share insights, tips, case studies, or practical strategies that the audience can implement and derive value from.

  • Provide step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, or case studies that showcase how your strategies or products have helped others achieve success. Offer actionable takeaways that participants can apply to their situations.
6. Offer Exclusive Benefits or Incentives:

Provide exclusive benefits or incentives for attending your webinar or online event. This can include downloadable resources, discounts on products or services, access to additional content, or participation certificates.

  • Offer a free downloadable eBook or checklist related to the webinar topic for participants to further explore the subject matter. Provide exclusive discount codes for your products or services as a token of appreciation for their attendance.
7. Record and Repurpose the Content:

Record your webinar or an online event for future use and repurpose it into other forms of content. This allows you to extend the lifespan and reach of your valuable content.

  • Make the recording available for on-demand viewing on your website or create a dedicated YouTube channel for your webinars. Transcribe the session and repurpose it into blog posts, infographics, or social media snippets.
8. Follow-Up and Nurture Leads:

After the webinar or online event, follow up with participants to maintain engagement and nurture potential leads. Send thank-you emails, share additional resources or relevant content, and offer opportunities for further interaction or consultation.

  • Send a personalized email thanking participants for attending the webinar and provide links to the recording or supplementary resources. Offer a consultation call or free trial of your product or service to interested participants.
9. Measure Success and Gather Feedback:

Analyze the performance of your webinar or online event to assess its success and gather feedback from participants. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as attendance rates, engagement levels, and conversion rates if applicable. Additionally, send post-event surveys to gather feedback and insights for future improvements.

  • Use webinar platform analytics to measure metrics like the number of registrations, attendance rates, average viewing time, and audience engagement during the session. Send a post-event survey to participants asking for their feedback on the content, presentation style, and overall satisfaction.
10. Continuously Improve and Iterate:

Use the feedback and insights gathered from your webinar or online event to enhance future sessions. Incorporate participant suggestions, refine your content, and optimize the delivery to better meet the needs and expectations of your audience.

  • Analyze feedback from participants to identify areas for improvement, such as adjusting the pace of the presentation, incorporating more interactive elements, or exploring additional topics of interest. Continuously iterate and refine your webinar strategy based on audience preferences and evolving trends.
11. Collaborate with Experts or Influencers:

Consider inviting guest speakers, industry experts, or influencers to co-host or participate in your webinar or online event. Their expertise and credibility can add value, attract a larger audience, and enhance the perceived value of your content.

  • Reach out to influential figures in your industry or niche and propose a collaborative webinar where you can share insights and perspectives. Their involvement can attract their followers and expand the reach of your webinar.
12. Leverage Automation and Evergreen Content:

Repackage your webinar or online event into automated or evergreen content that can be accessed by new audiences at any time. This allows you to continually generate leads and provide value without the need for live sessions.

  • Convert your recorded webinar into an automated webinar that can be accessed on demand. Create a landing page where visitors can register to watch the recorded session, providing their contact information for lead generation purposes.

By implementing these strategies, webinars and online events can become effective content marketing tools that educate, engage, and build relationships with your target audience. They provide an opportunity to showcase your expertise, establish thought leadership, and generate leads for your business. With careful planning, promotion, and continuous improvement, webinars and online events can be valuable addition to your content marketing strategy. One of the best platforms for content marketing using webinars and online events is Zoom.


9. Content Marketing By Content Curation

Content Marketing Work

Content curation is a valuable form of content marketing that involves collecting and sharing curated content from other sources that align with the target audience’s interests.

Here’s a breakdown of the strategy, suggestions, and examples related to content curation in content marketing:

1. Define Your Content Curation Focus:

Determine the specific topics, themes, or industries that are relevant to your target audience. This will help you identify the types of content you should curate and share.

  • If you run a fashion blog, your content curation focus might include trends in fashion, styling tips, sustainable fashion, or celebrity fashion inspiration.
2. Identify Reliable and High-Quality Sources:

Find reputable sources of content that provide valuable information and insights related to your content curation focus. This can include industry publications, influential blogs, reputable websites, or thought leaders in your niche.

  • For fashion-related content, you may curate content from established fashion magazines, renowned fashion bloggers, fashion industry news websites, or designers’ official websites.
3. Curate a Variety of Content Types:

Curate different types of content to keep your audience engaged and provide a diverse range of perspectives. This can include articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, or social media posts.

  • Curate a mix of articles on fashion trends, video tutorials on styling tips, infographics showcasing fashion statistics, or podcasts featuring interviews with fashion industry experts.
4. Add Value Through Commentary or Insights:

When sharing curated content, provide your commentary or insights to add value for your audience. Offer your perspective, highlight key takeaways, or provide additional context that enhances the curated content.

  • When sharing an article about fashion trends, add your commentary on how these trends can be adapted for different body types or share your personal experiences with implementing the trends.
5. Share on Relevant Platforms:

Share your curated content on platforms where your target audience is active and engaged. This can include your blog, social media channels, email newsletters, or industry-specific communities.

  • Share curated content on your fashion blog, post excerpts with your commentary on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook and include curated content in your email newsletters.
6. Engage with the Original Content Creators:

When sharing curated content, tag or mention the original content creators to give them credit and foster engagement. This can help you build relationships, increase visibility, and expand your network within your industry or niche.

  • When sharing a curated blog post, tag the author or the blog’s official social media account. Leave thoughtful comments on their posts to initiate conversations and demonstrate your appreciation for their content.
7. Provide Contextual Organization:

Organize your curated content in a way that makes it easy for your audience to navigate and find relevant information. This can include creating categories, tags, or collections based on topics or themes.

8. Monitor and Stay Updated:

Continuously monitor the content landscape in your industry or niche to stay updated with the latest trends, insights, and relevant sources. This allows you to provide timely and valuable curated content to your audience.

  • Use content discovery tools or set up Google Alerts for keywords related to your content curation focus. Regularly review industry publications, influential blogs, or social media accounts to identify new sources and content opportunities.
9. Leverage User-Generated Content:

Encourage your audience to share their content or recommendations that align with your content curation focus. This can help you source valuable content directly from your audience and foster a sense of community.

  • Run contests or campaigns where your audience can submit their fashion-related photos or styling tips. Curate and share the best submissions, giving credit to the participants. This not only adds diversity to your curated content but also encourages audience engagement and loyalty.
10. Provide Attribution and Respect Copyright:

When curating content, always give proper attribution to the original creators by providing clear references, links, or tags. Respect copyright laws and seek permission when necessary to avoid any legal issues.

  • Include the author’s name, publication name, and a direct link to the original source when sharing curated articles. If using images or videos, ensure you have the necessary rights or licenses to use them or use royalty-free stock content.
11. Analyze Engagement and Feedback:

Monitor the performance of your curated content to understand what resonates with your audience. Track metrics such as engagement, clicks, shares, and comments to identify the most successful curated pieces.

  • Use analytics tools to track how many clicks or shares your curated content receives, which topics generate the most engagement, or which platforms drive the most traffic. Adjust your curation strategy based on these insights.
12. Collaborate with Influencers or Experts:

Consider partnering with influencers or industry experts to curate content together. Their expertise and insights can enhance the value of your curated content and attract a larger audience.

  • Collaborate with a fashion influencer to curate a list of their favorite fashion items, must-have accessories, or fashion tips for different seasons. This collaboration can bring fresh perspectives and increase the reach of your curated content.

Content curation allows you to provide valuable information and insights to your audience without solely relying on original content creation. By curating high-quality content from trusted sources, adding your commentary, and sharing it strategically, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource within your industry. It also saves you time and effort while maintaining a consistent flow of valuable content for your audience.

Remember to always prioritize the needs and interests of your audience when curating content, and aim to provide unique perspectives and value through your commentary and insights. One of the best platforms for content marketing by Content curation is Feedzy.


10. Content Marketing Through User-Generated Content

Content Marketing Work

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful form of content marketing that involves encouraging and showcasing content created by your audience.

Here’s a breakdown of the strategy, suggestions, and examples related to user-generated content in content marketing:

1. Encourage User Participation:

Actively encourage your audience to create and submit content related to your brand, products, or services. Provide clear instructions and incentives to motivate them to participate.

  • Ask your customers to share their experience with your product through testimonials or reviews. Encourage them to submit photos or videos showcasing how they use your product in their daily lives.
2. Create a Branded Hashtag:

Develop a unique branded hashtag that represents your brand or campaign. Encourage your audience to use this hashtag when creating and sharing their content on social media platforms.

  • A fitness brand could create a branded hashtag like #FitLifeJourney and encourage its audience to use it when posting workout photos or videos.
3. Showcase User-Generated Content:

Regularly feature user-generated content on your website, social media channels, or other marketing materials. Highlight and celebrate the creativity and experiences of your customers.

  • Create a dedicated section on your website to showcase customer testimonials, reviews, or photos/videos submitted by your audience. Share user-generated content on your social media platforms, crediting and tagging the creators.
4. Engage and Interact:

Acknowledge and engage with users who create and share content related to your brand. Respond to their comments, show appreciation, and encourage further engagement.

  • Reply to user-generated content with comments, likes, or shares. Ask follow-up questions or request permission to feature their content in your marketing campaigns.
5. Run Contests or Challenges:

Organize contests or challenges that encourage your audience to create and share content. Offer enticing rewards, such as discounts, freebies, or the chance to be featured, to incentivize participation.

  • Run a photo contest where customers can submit pictures of themselves using your product in unique ways. Offer a prize to the winner and feature their photo on your website or social media platforms.
6. Seek Testimonials and Reviews:

Actively collect testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. Request feedback and encourage them to share their positive experiences, highlighting specific aspects they appreciate about your product or service.

  • Reach out to customers after they’ve had some time to use your product and ask for their feedback. Prompt them to share their thoughts, whether through written testimonials, video reviews, or rating platforms.
7. Create a Community:

Foster a sense of community among your customers by providing a platform or space for them to connect and share their experiences. This can be through forums, social media groups, or dedicated community platforms.

  • Create a private Facebook group for your customers to interact with one another, share tips and advice, and showcase their success stories related to your product or service.
8. Repurpose User-Generated Content:

Repurpose user-generated content into other forms of content, such as blog posts, social media posts, or email newsletters. This allows you to amplify the reach and impact of the content.

  • Compile user-generated testimonials into a blog post featuring customer success stories. Create social media posts using customer photos and quotes to highlight the positive experiences they’ve had with your brand.
9. Obtain Permissions and Rights:

Always seek permission from users before featuring their content in your marketing materials. Respect their ownership and rights over the content they’ve created.

  • Reach out to users who have shared content and ask for their permission to feature it in your marketing campaigns. Provide clear guidelines on how their content will be used and give them proper credit.
10. Monitor and Moderate:

Regularly monitor user-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand guidelines and values. Moderate and remove any content that is inappropriate or violates your community guidelines.

  • Set up a system to review and moderate user-generated content before featuring it on your platforms. Remove any content that contains offensive language, spam, or unrelated material.
11. Engage Influencers:

Collaborate with influencers or brand advocates who align with your brand values and target audience. Encourage them to create and share user-generated content related to your brand, leveraging their reach and influence.

  • Partner with a fitness influencer to create a workout challenge using your fitness products. Ask their followers to participate and share their progress using a specific hashtag.
12. Measure and Analyze Impact:

Track and measure the impact of user-generated content on your marketing efforts. Monitor engagement metrics, conversions, and brand sentiment to assess the effectiveness of UGC campaigns.

  • Use analytics tools to track metrics such as the number of user-generated content submissions, engagement rates, website traffic generated by UGC, and conversion rates. Analyze the data to understand the impact on your marketing goals.

By incorporating user-generated content into your content marketing strategy, you can leverage the power of authentic experiences and social proof. User-generated content not only engages your audience but also builds trust, credibility, and a sense of community around your brand. Remember to always show appreciation to your audience for their contributions and maintain an open line of communication.

User-generated content provides a unique opportunity to foster a deeper connection with your customers while amplifying your brand reach. The best platform for content marketing through User-generated content (UGC) is Taggbox.



Incorporating email marketing, webinars and online events, content curation, and user-generated content into your content marketing strategy can significantly amplify your reach, engagement, and conversions. By leveraging these channels and techniques, you can provide valuable content to your target audience, nurture relationships, and establish your brand as a trusted industry leader.



Q. How long does it take to build an email list for content marketing?
A. The time it takes to build an email list for content marketing can vary depending on various factors such as your target audience, marketing efforts, and the value you provide. Generally, building a quality email list takes time and consistent effort. It involves attracting relevant subscribers, nurturing relationships, and providing valuable content.

With effective strategies of content marketing like lead magnets, engaging opt-in forms, and targeted promotions, you can start seeing growth in your email list within a few months. However, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity and prioritize building a list of engaged and interested subscribers.

Q. Are webinars effective for generating leads?
A. Yes, webinars are highly effective for generating leads. Webinars provide an interactive platform where you can showcase your expertise, educate your audience, and address their pain points. By offering valuable content during a webinar, you can capture the attention of your target audience and build credibility and trust.

Webinars also allow you to collect contact information from attendees, enabling you to follow up and nurture leads. Additionally, the live and interactive nature of webinars fosters engagement and encourages attendees to take action, making them a powerful lead-generation tool for your content marketing campaign.

Q. How can content curation benefit my brand?
A. Content curation can benefit your brand in several ways in content marketing. Firstly, it allows you to provide a diverse range of valuable content to your audience without having to create everything from scratch. By curating relevant content from reputable sources, you position your brand as a reliable source of information and industry insights.

Content curation for content marketing will also help you save time and resources while maintaining a consistent content flow. It allows you to tap into the expertise of others, showcases different perspectives, and keep your audience engaged with fresh and diverse content. Additionally, content curation can foster relationships with other content creators and industry influencers, expanding your network and increasing brand visibility.

Q. What types of user-generated content can I use for marketing?
A. User-generated content (UGC) can take various forms and can be a powerful marketing tool. Some common types of UGC include customer testimonials, product reviews, social media posts featuring your brand or products, user-generated videos, and blog comments.

In your content marketing campaign, encourage users to participate in contests, challenges, or surveys, generating content specific to your brand. UGC provides authentic and genuine content that showcases real-life experiences and interactions with your brand, building trust and social proof. It can be shared on your website, social media platforms, and other marketing channels to engage your audience and attract new customers.

Q. Is it necessary to have a large budget for content marketing?
A. Having a large budget is not a prerequisite for content marketing success. While having financial resources can certainly help in terms of scaling your efforts and reaching a wider audience, content marketing can be effective even with limited resources. The key is to focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your target audience.

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