Get Paid to Write Articles Up to $700 | 29 Sites to Turn Your Passion into Profit

Reading Time: 12 minutes

In a digital age where content is king, the demand for skilled writers has reached unprecedented heights. Many individuals aspire to channel their love for writing into a lucrative opportunity—get paid to write articles. Here we will delve into the diverse avenues for writers to monetize their craft and offer insights on navigating this exciting terrain.

Get Paid to Write Articles

Get Paid to Write Articles

Freelance writers today have a plethora of platforms to choose from, each offering unique opportunities and audiences. It’s not just about getting paid; it’s about finding the right platform that aligns with your writing style and interests. Now, we’ll explore 26 platforms where writers can showcase their talents and get compensated for their valuable content.


Popular Platforms for Paid Article Writing


Articles Insider provides a platform for writers to share their insights on a wide range of topics. With a global audience, this platform offers exposure and competitive compensation for engaging and informative articles.

  • Niche: Content marketing strategies, blogging tips, writing techniques
  • Pay: $10 for each article
  • Payment: Bank, PayPal, Skrill, Payeer, Paytm, UPI
  • Minimum: 300 words


B. A List Apart

A list Apart

A List Apart focuses on web design and development, making it an ideal platform for writers with expertise in these areas. Contributing to A List Apart can establish you as an authority in the tech and design community.

  • Niche: Web design, web development, UX, content strategy
  • Pay: Varies by project, typically $150-$500+ per article
  • Payment: PayPal, bank transfer
  • Minimum: Varies, but generally longer-form content (600 – 2500)


C. FundsforWriters


As the name suggests, FundsforWriters is dedicated to supporting writers financially. Writers can find opportunities for paid gigs, grants, and contests, making it a valuable resource for those looking to monetize their craft.

  • Niche: Writing resources, freelance writing tips, market research
  • Pay: Varies, but typically $50-$200 per article
  • Payment: PayPal, direct deposit
  • Minimum: 500 words


D. Tuts+


Tuts+ is a versatile platform covering various creative and technical topics. Whether you’re into design, programming, or photography, Tuts+ offers opportunities to share your knowledge and earn money doing what you love.

  • Niche: Technology tutorials, software reviews, creative tech content
  • Pay: $50-$100 per article
  • Payment: Envato Market credits
  • Minimum: 500 words


E. Writers Weekly

Writers Weekly caters to freelance writers looking for paid writing opportunities. With a focus on the business side of freelancing, it’s a go-to platform for those seeking to monetize their writing skills.

  • Niche: Writing contests, markets, grants, and other writing opportunities
  • Pay: Varies, but typically $60-$100 per article
  • Payment: PayPal
  • Minimum: 600 words


Creative Writing Opportunities

A. Cracked


Cracked is known for its humor and satire articles. If you have a knack for witty and entertaining content, Cracked provides a platform to showcase your creativity and get paid for making readers laugh.

  • Niche: Humor, satire, pop culture articles
  • Pay: $150-$250 per article
  • Payment: PayPal
  • Minimum: 1,500 words


B. Listverse


Listverse specializes in listicles covering a broad spectrum of topics. If you enjoy crafting engaging lists with intriguing facts, Listverse offers a platform to monetize your list-making skills.

  • Niche: Top 10 lists, interesting facts, trivia
  • Pay: $100-$200 per list
  • Payment: PayPal
  • Minimum: 1,500 words


C. HubPages


HubPages is a user-generated content platform where writers can publish articles on various subjects. Writers earn through HubPages’ Ad Program, making it a platform that rewards both quality content and traffic.

  • Niche: Various, user-generated content platform
  • Pay: Revenue sharing based on ad views and clicks
  • Payment: PayPal
  • Minimum: No minimum, but longer content earns more


D. Textbroker


Textbroker is a content marketplace that connects writers with clients in need of written content. With Textbroker, writers can choose assignments that match their expertise and get paid per word.

  • Niche: Various, content mills with diverse client needs
  • Pay: Varies based on client budget and article complexity
  • Payment: PayPal, direct deposit
  • Minimum: Varies, but typically 250 words


E. Greatist


Greatist focuses on health and wellness topics. If you’re passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and can craft engaging content, Greatist provides an avenue to share your expertise and receive compensation.

  • Niche: Health, fitness, wellness
  • Pay: $0.10-$0.25 per word
  • Payment: PayPal
  • Minimum: 500 words


Long-form Content Platforms

A. Longreads


Longreads is dedicated to in-depth, long-form articles. For writers who excel in storytelling and deep dive into topics, Longreads offers a platform to showcase their narrative skills and get paid for compelling content.

  • Niche: In-depth journalism, narrative storytelling
  • Pay: Varies by project, typically $500+ per article
  • Payment: Various, based on contract
  • Minimum: 2,000 – 6000 words


B. Copyhackers


Copyhackers is a platform that focuses on copywriting and marketing. If you have a talent for persuasive writing and understanding consumer behavior, Copyhackers is a space where you can hone your skills and earn a living.

  • Niche: Copywriting, marketing, persuasion, sales
  • Pay per article: $300 to $1000 USD (at editor’s discretion)
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: 2000 words (in-depth, thoroughly researched, first-person story/account preferred)


C. Photoshop Tutorials

photoshop tutorials

Photoshop Tutorials is a niche platform for graphic designers and visual artists. If you have expertise in Adobe Photoshop and can teach others, this platform offers a space to share your knowledge and receive compensation.

  • Niche: Adobe Photoshop tutorials, techniques, and resources
  • Pay per article: $75 – $150 USD per tutorial (estimated based on freelancer reports, not official information)
  • Payment method: PayPal, possibly other methods too
  • Minimum words per article: Varies depending on the complexity of the tutorial.


D. Informed Comment

Informed Comment

Informed Comment is a platform for writers interested in international affairs and politics. If you have insights into global events and can provide informed commentary, this platform offers both exposure and payment.

  • Niche: Policy and foreign policy, with a focus on US, Middle Eastern, and South Asian politics. Also covers religion, human rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, religious discrimination, energy, and climate change.
  • Pay per article: $100 USD
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: 800-1000 words
  • Additional details: They prioritize original analysis, well-researched arguments, and clear writing. Op-eds, investigative pieces, and personal essays are welcome. They encourage submissions from diverse perspectives and voices.
  • Important note: Informed Comment is a non-profit website, so the pay reflects their limited budget. However, it offers a good platform for established writers and experts to share their insights on important issues.


E. The Travel Writer’s Life

Travel Writer Life

For those passionate about travel writing, The Travel Writer’s Life is an excellent platform. Share your travel experiences, tips, and insights, and get paid for inspiring others to explore the world.

  • Niche: Travel writing, travel blogging, freelance travel writing careers, travel industry insights, and tips for aspiring travel writers.
  • Pay per article: Varied, potentially from $50 – $200 USD per article (based on writer experience, article length, and topic).
  • Payment method: Not publicly disclosed, likely PayPal or bank transfer.
  • Minimum words per article: Varies between 500-1500 words, depending on the article type (e.g., shorter tips vs. longer features).
  • Additional details: Articles should be informative, engaging, and practical for aspiring travel writers. They welcome personal stories, insights on the travel writing industry, and actionable tips. They also accept pitches for destination guides, interviews with travel professionals, and reviews of travel writing resources.


Specialized Writing Platforms

A. UX Booth

UX booth

UX Booth caters to writers interested in user experience design. Share your insights on UX trends, best practices, and case studies, and receive compensation for contributing to this specialized platform.

  • Niche: User Experience (UX) Design, covering various aspects like research, interaction design, content strategy, information architecture, usability, and more.
  • Pay per article: Varies depending on topic, author experience, and article length. Generally ranges from $300-$700 per article.
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article:1200-1800 words


C. Tuts+ Code

Tuts+ Code

Tuts+ Code focuses specifically on coding and programming tutorials. If you’re a coding enthusiast with a knack for teaching, this platform allows you to share your knowledge and earn money.

  • Niche: Unleash your inner web wizard with Tuts+ Code! We delve into the magic of PHP, Ruby, HTML5, CSS3, and beyond, empowering you to build stunning websites like a pro.
  • Pay per article:  $100-$250 per article.
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article:1200-1800 words (as per topics)


D. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a design-focused platform that accepts articles on web design, development, and graphic design. Contribute your expertise and creative insights to Smashing Magazine while getting compensated for your work.

  • Niche: Web Design and Development, covering areas like UI/UX design, front-end development, accessibility, performance optimization, and more.
  • Pay per article:  Not Specified.
  • Payment method: Not publicly disclosed. Most likely involves direct bank transfers or payment platforms like PayPal.
  • Minimum words per article: Varies depending on the type of article, but typically ranges from 1500-2500 words for in-depth features and tutorials.


E. Scotch


Scotch is a platform for developers, providing tutorials, articles, and resources on web development. If you have a flair for thoroughly explaining complex coding concepts, Scotch is a place to showcase your skills and get paid.

  • Niche: Web Development, focusing on practical topics and tutorials related to JavaScript, frameworks like React & Angular, Node.js, CSS, and other relevant technologies.
  • Pay per article: Flat rate of $150 per article (general range, may vary depending on topic and author experience).
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: Generally around 1500 words, but flexible based on the topic and content.

Niche Writing Platforms

A. Metro Parent

Metro Parent

Metro Parent is geared towards parenting-related topics. If you’re a parent or have expertise in parenting issues, Metro Parent offers a platform to share your experiences and insights while earning income.

  • Niche: Family life and parenting for families in Southwest Michigan (Detroit and Ann Arbor areas). Covers topics like child development, education, activities, local events, health, and family wellness.
  • Pay per article: Varies depending on article type and length.
    General ranges:
    Feature articles: $150-$350 for 1,000-2,500 words
    Department columns: $50-$75 for 600 words
    Parent Pipeline pieces: $35-$50 for 600 words
    Shorter pieces: $25-35 for 50 words (blurbs, tips & tricks)
    Additional factors: Author experience, topic complexity, and the number of sources might influence the rate.
  • Payment method: Direct deposit
  • Minimum words per article: Varies depending on article type. Minimum ranges from 50 words for short blurbs to 800 words for feature articles with sidebars.


B. International Living

International Living

International Living focuses on travel and living abroad. Share your experiences as an expatriate and offer valuable insights to those considering a similar lifestyle, all while earning money through this platform.

  • Niche: Global retirement and relocation, showcasing destinations around the world for living abroad. Covers topics like the cost of living, culture, healthcare, visas, and expat communities.
  • Pay per article: Varies depending on article type, author experience, and destination featured.
    General ranges:
    Feature articles: $150-$300 for 1,200-2,000 words
    Destination guides: $100-$200 for 1,000-1,500 words
    Blog posts: $50-$100 for 500-800 words
    Additional factors: Depth of research, use of visuals (photos, videos), and interviews with locals might influence rate.
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: Varies depending on article type. Minimum ranges from 500 words for blog posts to 1,200 words for feature articles.


C. Sitepoint


Sitepoint is a platform for web developers and designers. If you have technical expertise in the field, contribute articles to Sitepoint and receive compensation for sharing your knowledge.

  • Niche: Web development and design, covering a wide range of topics including programming languages, frameworks, tools, best practices, tutorials, and guides.
  • Pay per article: Flat rate per article
    Articles: $150
    Tutorials: $200
    Additional factors: More complex or in-demand topics may command higher rates.
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: 500 words for both articles and tutorials. However, articles exceeding 1,000 words are often preferred due to the in-depth nature of the content.


D. Tuts+ Vector

Tuts+ Vector

Tuts+ Vector is a specialized platform for vector graphic designers. If you have skills in vector illustration, this platform provides an avenue to showcase your work, offer tutorials, and get paid.

  • Niche: Digital illustration and design using vector graphics software like Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape, and more. Covers tutorials, techniques, interviews, and resources for artists of all skill levels.
  • Pay per article: Varies depending on article type, author experience, and complexity.
    General range: $50-$200 per article.
  • Payment method: PayPal
  • Minimum words per article: Not explicitly stated, but typically around 1200-1800 words for in-depth tutorials and features. Shorter pieces like tips & tricks or interviews may have lower word counts.


F. The Penny Hoarder


The Penny Hoarder is focused on personal finance and money-saving tips. Share your financial wisdom and strategies with a wide audience, and get compensated for contributing to this platform.

  • Niche: Personal finance for everyday people, focusing on saving money, making money, budgeting, debt management, and smart living.
  • Pay per article: Varies depending on article type, length, and author experience.
    General range: $100-$250 per article.
    Bonus factors: Unique angles, strong SEO potential, and engagement metrics can increase rates.
  • Payment method: Direct deposit
  • Minimum words per article: Not explicitly stated, but typically around 800-1200 words for feature articles and shorter pieces for blog posts, tips, and personal stories.

Freelance marketplaces



Imagine a virtual marketplace where you can sell your skills in bite-sized “gigs,” kind of like setting up a shop at a fair. Each gig can be for a specific writing task, like writing a blog post, product description, or even a poem. You set your prices for each gig, making it flexible for beginners to start with lower rates and gradually increase them as they gain experience and positive reviews.



Think of Upwork as a more professional job board for freelancers. You create a detailed profile highlighting your skills, experience, and portfolio. Clients then post project descriptions and invite qualified freelancers to submit proposals. You can set your hourly rate or bid on projects with fixed budgets. Upwork also charges clients a service fee, so keep that in mind when calculating your rates.



Similar to Upwork, Guru is a platform where you create a profile and search for writing projects. However, Guru has a more community-oriented feel, with features like forums and groups for freelancers to connect and share knowledge. You can set your hourly rate or bid on fixed-price projects. Guru also charges a service fee, but it’s generally lower compared to Upwork.


Tips for Successful Article Writing

Understanding the Platform’s Audience


  • Tailor your content to fit the specific audience of each platform. Understanding the readership ensures that your articles resonate and engage with the target audience.

Meeting Submission Guidelines

  • Follow the submission guidelines meticulously. Adhering to the platform’s requirements increases the chances of your article getting accepted and published.

Incorporating SEO Techniques

Showcasing Writing Style and Voice

  • Let your unique writing style shine through. Platforms appreciate writers with a distinctive voice, so don’t be afraid to infuse your personality into your articles.



From general topics to niche interests, these 29 platforms offer a wealth of opportunities for writers to get paid to write articles. Each platform caters to different needs and preferences, providing writers with a diverse range of options.

As a writer, the world is your oyster. Explore different platforms, experiment with various writing styles, and discover where your passion intersects with lucrative opportunities. Embrace the diversity of the writing world, and you’ll find a multitude of avenues to showcase your talent and get paid.



Q. How Do I Get Started with Paid Article Writing?
A. Getting started with paid article writing involves researching platforms, creating a strong portfolio, and actively seeking opportunities. Start by exploring platforms that align with your interests and expertise.

Q. Can I Write for Multiple Platforms Simultaneously?
A. Yes, many writers contribute to multiple platforms simultaneously. However, it’s crucial to manage your time effectively and ensure that the quality of your work remains consistent across all platforms.

Q. What Types of Articles Are in High Demand?
A. Articles addressing current trends, practical advice, and evergreen topics are often in high demand. Researching the needs of each platform and understanding their audience can help you tailor your content to meet those demands.

Q. How Do I Ensure My Articles Get Accepted?
A. Carefully read and follow the submission guidelines of each platform. Ensure your content is well-written, original, and aligns with the platform’s theme and audience.

Q. Are These Platforms Suitable for Beginners?
A. Absolutely! Many platforms welcome and support beginner writers. Start with platforms that align with your interests and gradually expand your horizons as you gain experience and confidence.

6 thoughts on “Get Paid to Write Articles Up to $700 | 29 Sites to Turn Your Passion into Profit”

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