Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana | Empowering Micro and Small Enterprises Loan Upto 10 Lakh in India

Reading Time: 14 minutes

The Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), launched by the Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Damodar Das Modi on April 8, 2015, aims to provide loans up to 10 lakh to non-corporate, non-farm small and micro-enterprises. These loans, categorized as MUDRA loans under PMMY, are disbursed by Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small Finance Banks, MFIs, and NBFCs. Borrowers have the flexibility to approach any of these lending institutions or apply online via the portal. PMMY offers three loan products – ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishore’, and ‘Tarun’, tailored to the growth stage and funding requirements of micro-units or entrepreneurs. These products also serve as a reference point for their progression or further growth. Let’s explore about Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana!.

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)


Introduction to Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) is a flagship scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015 to provide financial assistance to non-corporate, non-farm micro and small enterprises (MSEs). The scheme aims to facilitate credit up to Rs. 10 lakh to these businesses, thereby promoting their growth and development.

Key Features:

Three loan categories:

PMMY categorizes loans into three stages based on the enterprise’s growth:

  • Shishu
  • Kishore
  • Tarun

Wide reach:

  • Loans are provided through various financial institutions such as banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Small Finance Banks (SFBs), Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).

Simplified application process:

  • Entrepreneurs can apply for loans online through the Udyamimitra portal or directly at any participating financial institution.

Competitive interest rates:

  • Interest rates are generally lower than commercial lenders, making loans more affordable for entrepreneurs.

No collateral required:

  • In many cases, loans are provided without requiring any collateral security, making them accessible to even small businesses with limited assets.

Overall, the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of the micro and small enterprise sector in India. The scheme empowers entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals and contribute to the nation’s economic progress by providing affordable credit and simplifying the loan application process.


The objective of the Scheme

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) has several key objectives:

1. Funding the unfunded:

  • To provide easy access to credit for non-corporate, non-farm micro and small enterprises (MSEs) that often lack access to formal financial channels.
  • This includes businesses in various sectors like manufacturing, processing, trading, and services.

2. Supporting economic growth and job creation:

  • By enabling micro and small businesses to expand and flourish, PMMY contributes to economic growth and job creation.
  • This empowers individuals to become entrepreneurs and contributes to the reduction of unemployment.

3. Financial inclusion:

  • The scheme aims to bring unbanked or underbanked micro and small businesses into the formal financial system.
  • This allows them to access financial services like loans, savings accounts, and insurance, fostering financial inclusion and stability.

4. Promoting women’s entrepreneurship:

  • PMMY has dedicated programs and initiatives specifically catering to women entrepreneurs.
  • This empowers women to participate in the economy and start or expand their businesses, contributing to women’s empowerment and social development.

5. Regulating and monitoring microfinance institutions (MFIs):

  • Through MUDRA Bank, the scheme helps regulate and monitor the activities of MFIs, ensuring responsible lending practices and protecting borrowers’ interests.

6. Reducing dependence on informal lenders:

  • By offering affordable and accessible credit, PMMY encourages micro and small businesses to avoid borrowing from informal lenders who often charge high-interest rates, leading to financial exploitation.

7. Lowering the cost of finance:

  • The scheme negotiates competitive interest rates with financial institutions, making loans more affordable for micro and small businesses compared to traditional commercial loans.

In summary, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana aims to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth by empowering micro and small businesses through financial inclusion, job creation, women’s empowerment, and responsible lending practices.


Categories under Mudra Yojana

Categories under Mudra Yojana

Here are the three categories under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana:

1. Shishu:

  • Loan amount: Up to ₹50,000
  • Target: New or existing micro-enterprises
  • Purpose: To start or expand a small business
  • Example: A small grocery shop, a tailoring unit, a vegetable vendor

2. Kishore:

  • Loan amount: ₹50,001 to ₹5 lakh
  • Target: Growing micro and small enterprises
  • Purpose: To expand or diversify an existing business
  • Example: A small manufacturing unit, a restaurant, a beauty salon

3. Tarun:

  • Loan amount: ₹5,00,001 to ₹10 lakh
  • Target: Established small enterprises
  • Purpose: To further expand or modernize an existing business
  • Example: A medium-sized manufacturing unit, a healthcare clinic, an educational institution

Note: The interest rates and repayment terms for Mudra loans vary depending on the loan category, the financial institution, and the borrower’s credit profile.


Eligibility Criteria for Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)

Mudra loan

The eligibility criteria for PMMY loans vary depending on the loan category (Shishu, Kishore, or Tarun) but generally share some common requirements:

General Eligibility:

  • Indian citizen: The applicant must be an Indian citizen with valid identity proof.
  • Age: Applicant must be between 18 and 65 years old.
  • Business type: The business must be non-corporate, non-farm, and engaged in manufacturing, trading, or services sector.
  • No criminal record: Applicant should not have any criminal record.
  • Good credit history: No history of loan defaults with any financial institution.

Additional Criteria:

  • Shishu loan: No specific turnover or income requirement. Suitable for new or existing micro-enterprises.
  • Kishore loan: Minimum business turnover of Rs. 1 lakh in the previous year. Suitable for growing micro and small enterprises.
  • Tarun loan: Minimum business turnover of Rs. 5 lakh in the previous year. Suitable for established small enterprises.

Documents Required:

  • Application form
  • Identity proof (PAN card, Aadhaar card, etc.)
  • Address proof (Voter ID, utility bills, etc.)
  • Business registration documents (if applicable)
  • Proof of business activity (licenses, permits, etc.)
  • Financial statements (balance sheets, profit & loss statements, etc.)
  • Passport-sized photographs

Note: Specific details like minimum turnover requirements and documents needed might vary based on the chosen financial institution. It’s best to directly contact the lender you are interested in for precise information.


Application Process

There are two main ways to apply for a Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) loan:

1. Online Application through Udyamimitra Portal:

apply for a Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) loan

  • Visit the Udyamimitra portal:
  • Register on the portal if you haven’t already.
  • Select “Mudra Loans” and then choose the appropriate loan category (Shishu, Kishore, or Tarun).

UdyamiMitra registration

  • Fill out the online application form carefully and accurately.
  • Upload any required documents as instructed.
  • Apply online.
  • Track the application status on the portal.

2. Offline Application through a Participating Financial Institution:

  • Visit a branch of any participating financial institution (bank, RRB, SFB, MFI, or NBFC) offering PMMY loans.
  • Obtain and complete the prescribed loan application form for the desired loan category.
  • Attach all necessary documents along with the completed form.
  • Apply to the concerned official at the branch.
  • Follow up with the branch for updates on your application status.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
  • You can choose any participating financial institution for your application, regardless of your location.
  • Each financial institution might have slightly different application processes and document requirements.
  • Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for the chosen loan category before applying.
  • Keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.
  • Processing times for loan applications can vary depending on the institution and individual case.
Useful Resources:


Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)


Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana has various benefits for both individual entrepreneurs and the overall economy:

For individual entrepreneurs:

  • Access to affordable credit: Offers loans up to Rs. 10 lakh with competitive interest rates compared to traditional loans, making it easier for small businesses to access capital for starting, expanding, or diversifying their ventures.
  • Simplified application process: Online application through the Udyamimitra portal or offline process at participating institutions streamline the process and make it more accessible.
  • No collateral required: Most loans are unsecured, eliminating the need for collateral, which can be a significant hurdle for small businesses lacking assets.
  • Financial inclusion: Brings unbanked or underbanked micro and small enterprises into the formal financial system, allowing them to access financial services like savings accounts and insurance.
  • Empower women entrepreneurs: Dedicated programs exist to provide financial support and training to women entrepreneurs, facilitating their participation in the economy.
  • Reduces dependence on informal lenders: By offering regulated and affordable credit, PMMY discourages borrowing from informal lenders who often charge exorbitant interest rates, leading to financial exploitation.

For the economy:

  • Promotes entrepreneurship: Encourages individuals to start or expand their businesses, leading to job creation and economic growth.
  • Boosts micro and small enterprise sector: Micro and small businesses are a significant contributor to the Indian economy, and PMMY helps them flourish.
  • Financial empowerment: By fostering financial inclusion, PMMY empowers individuals and communities, contributing to overall economic development.
  • Sustainable growth: By supporting small businesses, PMMY promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
  • Reduces unemployment: Job creation generated by thriving micro and small businesses helps reduce unemployment and improve livelihood opportunities.

Overall, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana plays a crucial role in supporting and empowering micro and small businesses in India, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous economy.


Success Stories

Success Stories of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) has empowered numerous micro and small businesses across India, enabling them to grow, thrive, and contribute to the economy. Here are a few examples of success stories:

  • Keya’s Boutique Dream: Keya, a teacher, dreamt of owning a boutique but lacked the initial capital. With a Rs. 4 lakh Shishu loan under PMMY, she started her boutique and fulfilled her dream.
  • From Teacher to Entrepreneur: Khsama, a teacher, relocated and had to quit her job. Utilizing a Mudra loan, she started a saree business initially targeting her immediate circle. Seeing success, she reinvested and expanded her reach.
  • Kiran’s Auto Rickshaw Business: Kiran, with minimal income, aspired to a better life. A Mudra loan helped him purchase an auto rickshaw, allowing him to work full-time and increase his earnings.
  • Nisha’s Battery Business Expansion: Nisha, with a small battery business, struggled to expand. A Mudra loan fueled her growth, enabling her to increase profits and employ more people.
  • Rudra’s Hotel Success: Rudra, starting with a small food stall, used a Mudra loan to upgrade to a hotel. Today, his business is flourishing, creating employment opportunities in the community.

These are just a few examples among countless success stories facilitated by PMMY. You can find more on the MUDRA website: and

It’s important to remember that success stories highlight the potential of PMMY. However, individual results may vary based on personal commitment, business acumen, and market factors.



Challenges and Solutions

While the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) has achieved significant success in supporting micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in India, it also faces several challenges. Here’s a breakdown of some key issues and potential solutions:


  • Reaching the unbanked: Many eligible MSEs remain unbanked or underbanked, hindering their access to PMMY loans.
  • Complex application process: Despite efforts to simplify, some entrepreneurs find the application process cumbersome and require assistance.
  • Lack of awareness: Limited knowledge about the scheme and its benefits can exclude eligible businesses from participating.
  • Inadequate loan amounts: The maximum loan amount of Rs. 10 lakh may not be sufficient for certain businesses, limiting their growth potential.
  • Delays in loan processing: Time taken for loan approval can be lengthy, hindering business momentum.
  • High-interest rates for specific lenders: While competitive in general, interest rates offered by some lenders might still be burdensome for certain businesses.
  • Lack of business development support: Many entrepreneurs lack the skills and knowledge to manage and grow their businesses effectively.


  • Financial literacy initiatives: Increase awareness about financial products and PMMY schemes through targeted campaigns and community engagement.
  • Technology-driven solutions: Utilize online platforms and mobile apps to simplify the application process and increase accessibility.
  • Collaboration with NGOs and community organizations: Partner with local groups to reach unbanked populations and provide application assistance.
  • Reviewing loan amounts based on sector needs: Conduct periodic assessments to adjust loan limits based on industry requirements and growth potential.
  • Streamlining loan approval processes: Improve efficiency and transparency in loan processing by using technology and simplifying documentation requirements.
  • Promoting responsible lending practices: Encourage lenders to offer competitive interest rates and adhere to ethical lending principles.
  • Skill development programs: Provide training and mentorship opportunities to entrepreneurs in areas like business planning, marketing, and financial management.

By addressing these challenges and implementing potential solutions, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana can further empower MSEs, contribute to inclusive economic growth, and create a more vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in India.


Impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) on Employment

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) aims to promote the growth of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in India, which are significant contributors to employment generation. Here’s a breakdown of its potential impact:

Positive impact:

  • Direct job creation: MSEs directly create jobs for their employees, owners, and their families. According to studies, each Rs. 1 lakh invested in MSEs under PMMY can create 1-2 jobs.
  • Indirect job creation: Growth in MSEs leads to increased demand for raw materials, services, and transportation, creating jobs in related sectors.
  • Improved income and purchasing power: Increased income for entrepreneurs and employees boosts consumption, stimulating further economic activity and job creation.
  • Formalization of the informal sector: PMMY incentivizes informal businesses to register and become formal, contributing to better working conditions and social security for employees.
  • Women’s empowerment: Dedicated programs under PMMY support women entrepreneurs, leading to their economic independence and job creation in sectors traditionally dominated by men.

Challenges and limitations:

  • Data on actual impact: Quantifying the precise impact of PMMY on employment is challenging due to data limitations and the complex interplay of other factors.
  • Sustainability of jobs created: Not all jobs created by MSEs are sustainable due to factors like competition, volatile markets, and lack of skills.
  • Regional disparities: The impact of PMMY on employment might vary across regions based on economic development and access to resources.
  • Need for complementary measures: Supporting infrastructure, skill development, and market access alongside PMMY financing is crucial for long-term job creation.

Overall, while the precise impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana on employment needs further analysis, it holds considerable potential to contribute to job creation and inclusive economic growth in India. Continuous efforts to address challenges and enhance the scheme’s effectiveness are crucial to maximize its positive impact on employment.


Role in Women’s Empowerment

Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment1

The Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) plays a significant role in empowering women in India by providing them with access to finance and fostering their entrepreneurial spirit. Here’s how:

Financial Inclusion and Independence:

  • Access to Loans: PMMY offers dedicated schemes like “Udyam Shakti” and “Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana” specifically designed for women entrepreneurs. These programs make it easier for women to obtain loans, bypassing traditional barriers like lack of collateral or male dominance in financial institutions.
  • Financial Independence: By enabling women to start or expand their businesses, PMMY empowers them to earn their own income, manage their finances, and achieve economic independence. This reduces their dependence on others and provides greater control over their lives.

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Skill Development:

  • Support Programs: PMMY provides several initiatives like workshops, training programs, and mentorship opportunities specifically designed for women entrepreneurs. These programs equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to run successful businesses.
  • Confidence Building: Starting and running a business fosters confidence, decision-making abilities, and leadership skills in women entrepreneurs. This empowers them to participate more actively in society and challenge traditional gender roles.

Specific Sectors and Impact:

  • Rural Women: PMMY’s focus on rural development and initiatives like “Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana” enable women in rural areas to access resources and start businesses related to agriculture, handicrafts, and other local industries. This empowers them economically and strengthens the rural economy.
  • Micro and Small Enterprises: Women tend to be heavily involved in micro and small businesses, and PMMY’s support for this sector empowers them significantly. Women-led businesses often contribute to sectors like food processing, garment manufacturing, and education, creating employment opportunities for other women as well.

Challenges and Further Opportunities:

  • Awareness and Outreach: Despite dedicated programs, there’s still a need to increase awareness about PMMY among women in certain communities and encourage them to apply for loans and benefits.
  • Socio-cultural Barriers: Societal norms and family structures can sometimes hinder women’s entrepreneurial aspirations. Addressing these challenges through targeted outreach and community engagement is crucial.
  • Market Access and Networking: Connecting women entrepreneurs with markets, other businesses, and mentorship opportunities can further enhance their success and impact.

Overall, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana plays a valuable role in empowering women in India by providing financial support, building entrepreneurial skills, and promoting their participation in the economy. Continued efforts to address existing challenges and expand opportunities will solidify its positive impact on women’s empowerment and inclusive economic growth.


Comparing Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) with other Government Loan Schemes in India

Here’s a comparison of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana with some other popular government loan schemes in India based on various parameters:

FeaturePMMYStand Up IndiaPrime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)

Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for MSMEs (CGTMSE)

Target BeneficiariesMicro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)SC, ST, Women EntrepreneursUnemployed Youth

Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)

Loan AmountUp to ₹10 lakhUp to ₹1 croreUp to ₹25 lakhUp to ₹1 crore
Collateral RequiredNoNoNot mandatory for loans up to ₹5 lakh

Required beyond ₹1 crore

Interest RatesCompetitive, varies with the lenderFixed at 17% per annum9% subsidy for first 3 years

Varies based on loan amount and lender

Repayment PeriodUp to 5 yearsUp to 7 yearsUp to 7 years

Varies based on loan amount and purpose

FocusPromoting new and existing micro and small businessesEmpowering SC, ST, and women entrepreneursSelf-employment and job creation

Providing credit guarantees to facilitate loans for MSEs

Application ProcessOnline and offline (through participating banks and NBFCs)Online and offline (through designated institutions)Offline (through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC))

Online and offline (through participating banks and NBFCs)

Processing TimeVaries depending on the lender and loan amountUp to 15 daysUsually within 30 days

Varies depending on the lender and loan amount


Additional Notes:

  • PMMY offers various categories (Shishu, Kishore, Tarun) based on the loan amount and business stage.
  • Stand Up India offers additional benefits like handholding support and easier access to credit.
  • PMEGP provides subsidy and margin money assistance for self-employment ventures.
  • CGTMSE acts as a guaranteed platform, encouraging banks to lend to risky but viable businesses.
Choosing the Right Scheme:
  • The best scheme for you depends on your specific needs, business type, eligibility, and loan amount requirements. Carefully compare features like interest rates, repayment terms, collateral requirements, and target beneficiaries before choosing a scheme.



In conclusion, the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana represents a beacon of hope for millions of aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses across India. By providing access to credit, fostering innovation, and nurturing entrepreneurial talent, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana is instrumental in realizing the vision of a vibrant and inclusive economy. As the scheme continues to evolve and expand its outreach, it holds the promise of transforming lives and fueling India’s journey toward prosperity and development.

Here’s a summary of its key strengths and ongoing challenges:


  • Increased access to finance: PMMY has facilitated access to affordable credit for numerous MSEs, previously underbanked or excluded from traditional financial systems.
  • Promoted entrepreneurship: By providing financial support and simplifying processes, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana has encouraged individuals to start and expand their businesses, contributing to job creation and economic growth.
  • Financial inclusion: By targeting unbanked populations and offering simplified application processes, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana has brought more individuals and businesses into the formal financial system.
  • Empowered women entrepreneurs: Dedicated programs within Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana have offered support and resources to women entrepreneurs, contributing to their economic independence and participation in traditionally male-dominated sectors.
  • Positive impact on rural areas: By focusing on rural development and facilitating income generation through micro-enterprises, PMMY has benefited rural communities and economies.


  • Reaching the unbanked: Despite improvements, a significant portion of the eligible population remains unbanked and lacks awareness about Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana and its benefits.
  • Limited loan amounts: The maximum loan amount of Rs. 10 lakh might not be sufficient for certain businesses, hindering their growth potential.
  • Delays in loan processing: Time taken for loan approval can be lengthy, hindering business momentum and creating frustration for entrepreneurs.
  • Sustainability of jobs created: Not all jobs created by MSEs are sustainable due to various factors like market competition, lack of skills, and access to resources.
  • Need for complementary measures: Alongside financing, support in areas like skill development, market access, and business advisory services can further enhance the success and impact of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.



Q. Is Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana only for new businesses?
A. No, PMMY supports both new and existing micro-enterprises seeking financial assistance for business activities.

Q. Are there any age restrictions for availing of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana loans?
A. Yes, individuals applying for Mudra loans must be at least 18 years old at the time of application.

Q. Can I apply for a Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana loan online?
A. Yes, many financial institutions offer online application facilities for Mudra loans to enhance convenience for applicants.

Q. What is the repayment period for Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana loans?
A. The repayment period for Mudra loans varies depending on the nature of the business and the loan amount, with flexible terms to suit the borrower’s convenience.

Q. Is collateral required for availing of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana loans?
A. No, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana offers collateral-free loans, making it accessible to a wide range of entrepreneurs and small businesses.

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